Prequel to the yacht party: The Before Part

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Darcy's POV:

I grimaced as the dress reached mid thigh only, it was too pink, too frilly. My hand disappeared under the rack. Hot Topic was where Jackie'd told me to go. My hand stopped at a silky fabric and I pulled out a purple off-the shoulder silk dress.

It would do just fine. I grinned, tossing my credit card to the cashier. Then walked out of the store with a couple of bags hanging from my left shoulder.

I hung the bags at the tail of my bike. And slid my hand at the back pocket of my jeans to fish out a fag. Lighting it up and inhaling deeply, I blew out a wobbly ring of grey fog. 

''Fuck it, I need a fag'' I turned around to face a tanned guy with stubble. He was subtly sexy, the firm jaw and hazel eyes. A shit load of tats. 

Before I knew what I was doing, I whistled to get his attention. He looked momentarily surprised when I threw a fag at him. recovering, he caught it left-handed; bringing out an orange lighter from his breast-pocket.

''Thanks, babe. I'm Zayn'' slight accent, although I couldn't really place where it was from. A hint of arabic or italian, maybe. But it could have as well been spanish. 

I remembered the pic of Harry's band. This was his bandmate. Zayn Malik? wasn't it?

''Darcy,'' I offered a hand and he shook it, his hand was firm yet soft and very warm. ''You're in Harry's band, right? One Direction?'' 

''You know him?'' He asked, a soft smile playing on his lips.

''Yeah, he goes to my highschool''

''Cool. I'm here to meet Anne and Gemma'' he explained.

''That's nice. Well, see you later. Zayn.'' I was about to twist the key in the ignition, before I turned around. ''Wait, your number''

He nodded, handing me his phone and I punched my number in. He did the same to mine,

I gave a small wave, before twisting the key to start and pressing down on the side. The engine roared to life and I sped down back to my apartment.


 ''This'll screw up'' I groaned. 

Jackie grinned victoriously. She'd told me that I could do him tonight and in the morning I had to leave him. But I wasn't so sure anymore. It would be hard to imagine life without Harry. His dimples, the way his eyes lit up when he's happy. And his stutter when he gets nervous.

''So, I have it all arranged. The owner of the yacht said there's a guest stay room, about somewhere to the right side. Here's the key. Use this time wisely, I'm counting on you Darcy'' She chucked the key in the air, not bothering to stand up from the sofa and give it.

I caught it, fingering the edges. 

About half an hour of struggling later. I was finally in the dress. Jackie straightened my hair into waves, while I applied the mascara and concealer. Last went, a light coat of pale pink.

''You ready for this?''She asked when we were sitting in the limo- apparently, you can't show up on our bike at a party. 

I sighed ''As ready as I'll ever be''

''Fair enough. Hit it, Ben'' 

The chauffeur obeyed, pressing down on the accelerator and we sped off.

Now, only fate will decide what's going to happen

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