The King Returns

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I would like to apologize first for the delay.. 

Then I would like to thank @tashudd for the beautiful poster for this story


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Bhallaladeva looked around for the source of distraction but found none. But his eyes fell on Devasena who was walking with Avantika, Kattappa, Naayaka, Aslam and Paartheeba around her as a human shield. She had started her round two of three.

Bhallaladeva forgot everything as he felt a war shield hit his head. He turned to see Mahendra running towards him with sword. He took his mace and ran to attack and pushed him onto the rock throwing war machine, a catapult that was behind. A rock loaded in the machine to the impact. Bhallaladeva's next hit broke Mahendra's sword making him go wild. He took a shield and ran to hit it on Bhallaladeva's head but at the last moment, he bent and hit bhallaladeva's knees knocking him off balance. Then the shield knocked his chin and then his head making Bhallaladeva spit his blood.

At this Bhallaladeva got even more mad and swung his mace making it's chain unlock. The chain wound on to the mast of the war catapult and pulled it down on Mahendra. Mahendra who expected this moved to a side and held the shield above his head in such a way that the falling machine did not do any damage to him.

Mahendra moved back and his eyes fell on the catapult lever. He pulled the lever launching the rock carrier that was to hit Bhallaladeva who missed it narrowly. But unexpectedly the rock hit the platform that held his 100 feet golden statue cracking it. Before Bhallaladeva could recover from the attack, Mahendra threw his shield on Bhallaladeva which again missed him as he deflected it with his mace and it hit the same platform.

Before Bhallaladeva could even raise his head, Mahendra was in air and a punch landed on the jaws of Bhallaladeva.

Angered, Bhalla moved towards Mahendra and before Mahendra could do anything, a chain wound around his neck and Bhallaladeva threw the other end over the horse near the statue platform and pulled it hanging Mahendra by his neck.

But Mahendra who grew up in the wild, elbowed the horse statue breaking it to release himself. As he fell to the ground, Bhallaladeva tried to pull him using the chain. But Mahendra held on to the pillar nearby not letting Bhallaladeva to overpower him. He moved close to it and with one jerk, he uprooted the pillar off its foundation and threw it on Bhallaladeva.

Bhallaladeva who did not expect this attack, at the last moment held his arm and mace high that broke the pillar so that he sustained minimal injuries.

There Devasena was on her second round around the god. She was reaching the bridge that was above the stream of river that was flowing around Maahishmati nagaram.

The priest and Bijjaladeva who saw this from their vantage point got scared.

"Prabhu, if she completes her agni prastham, then there is nothing that could prevent their victory. Hinder it, interrupt her steps Prabhu."

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