Helping out (43)

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A/N: Sorry for not updating!! I was in Paris✌🏼Hope you enjoy this chapter💕

Seth's POV:

I woke up and saw Dean sleeping next to me.

He looks so peaceful. I thought.

I tucked the hair that was in his face behind his ear, as he slowly started to wake up.

"Morning Princess." He said in a sleepy, groggy voice.

"Morning." I said smiling, causing him to smile.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." I said giving a weak smile. "You ready for school?" I asked, making his smile immediately drop.

"I don't wanna go!" He whined.

"You're gonna have to, if you wanna graduate." I giggled.

"Fine." He said, exaggerating. "I'm gonna take a quick shower." He continued, whilst getting up.

"M'kay." I replied, slowly getting out of bed.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen and started making the usual breakfast.

As I was finishing up, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, causing me to jump a little.

I turned around and noticed it was Dean. He then gave me a kiss on the cheek and I giggled.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked.

"The usual." I answered.

I then put the food on two plates and set it on the table.

Breakfast was silent. No talking, no nothing. But, it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence.

Once breakfast was over, I got changed, grabbed my bag and we both left the house.

~ at school ~

We got to the front gate. Dean and I both had the same first class, which was science.

We sat at our desks. "Okay, you can start working on the project with your partners now." Our teacher announced to us.

I walked over to Renee and she had a big smile on her face.

"Hey Sethie." She said, waving.

"Hey Renee." I said, returning the smile.

"So, have you and Dean worked things out yet?" She asked.

"Actually, we have... a few days ago."

"Really? That's awesome! But... you might want to keep him away from everyone else..." She said, pointing to the table in front of us.

I turned around to see Finn drooling over Dean, whilst Dean was talking about something.

I gave a low, angry grunt and, immediately, changed the subject, "So... um, what are we gonna do for this project Renee?" I asked.

"Seriously? You're not gonna say anything to him?" She said giving me a look of confusion.

"Um-" I tried speaking before Renee started yelling a Finn.

"Hey Finn! There are just some things you don't mess with! Like Seth's boyfriend for example! Touch him, and I will punch you!"

Both Finn and Dean looked back at us. Dean chuckled, whilst Finn rolled his eyes at her.

"Yeah, keep on rolling your eyes Finn... Maybe you'll find a brain somewhere back there..." She mumbled, but it was loud enough to hear.

Dean started laughing even harder as Finn walked away somewhere.

I started to giggle as well.

~ time skip to end of class ~

The bell had finally rung, and we were off to our next class, which was art for me. Dean walked me to my class. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, then gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"See you later, Princess." He said, causing me to blush really hard.

I was smiling from ear to ear, probably looking like an idiot.

I eventually walked into my class and the lesson started.

During the near end of the lesson, Finn spoke to me, "He will be mine Rollins... Take my word for it..." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Whatever Finn... Maybe when pigs fly, but for now... It isn't happening..."

I looked at the clock and it was nearly time to leave. I started to pack up my things.

"Where do you think you are going Mr. Rollins? The bell hasn't rung yet." My teacher said, crossing his arms.

"It will soon." I replied.

"I dismiss you not the-" The teacher said before getting interrupted by the bell.

I stood up and walked out the door.

I then went to my locker, to get a few things. All of a sudden, a person pushed me against the locker. He pinned both my arms against the locker, lifting me up a little, as my feet were dangling off the ground.

"G-Go away Brock." I said, scared.

"Hah! Do you think I'd listen to you? You fag!" He said, tightening his grip on me.

"P-Please..." I whispered.

He started laughing in my face.

"Let him go Brock." A familiar voice said. It was Dean.

Brock then turned around, letting me go. I fell to the ground, crawling away from him.

"Aww. Saving your little boyfriend are we?" He said, laughing.

"Just leave already." Another familiar voice said. It was Roman.

"Come." Dean whispered pulling my arm.

I followed him to the janitors room.

"Thanks..." I said looking at the floor.

"No problem." Dean responded.

He lift my chin with one finger and asked, "You okay baby boy?"

"Ye-Yeah... I'm fine..." I said weakly smiling.

"Don't worry... we'll get through this... together..." He said then kissed my nose tenderly.

I gave a weak, low giggle and the bell rang.

"Want me to walk you to your class?" He asked.

"Nahh. I'm fine." I answered.

"You sure?"


"M'kay." He said kissing me one last time.

I walked out of the janitors closet, followed by Dean. We parted ways and went to our classes. Mine was English. I walked into the classroom, being the first one there, I sat at my desk and waited for the rest of the class.
Hi guyss✌🏼💗 Srry I haven't been posting 🤭💜 I was in Paris (as I said at the start of the chapter😛💕)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter🤪👀

Have a nice dayyy❤️

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