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Dear Yoongi,

This will be the first letter that I'll be writing just for you.

It sounds so stupid because I know you won't be able to read this but I got no one to talk to.

How should I say this? The first time I laid my eyes on you on your music video, "IDOL", you wrecked my bias list. You weren't my bias back then but that doesn't mean I dislike the other members.  I love all of the guys, but you stood out for me on that music video.

I began watching bloopers on YouTube and collecting photos of you to save in my gallery (not that I don't have your photos alongside the other members, I just added more single photos of you.)

You became my inspiration. Not because of how good looking you are, but because I see you as an amazing person.

Please, continue doing what you love. I'll always be here to adore and support you.

your nameless fan girl

Dear Yoongi [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now