"Yoongi, I named him after you."

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Dear Yoongi,

I haven't written to you for so long. I made a lot of interesting things. I changed the curtains into a lighter shade of blue. I cleaned the whole house including the attic and guess what? I started painting.

I don't isolate myself anymore in my room. I go out sometimes to visit my favorite coffee shop nearby and read a good book.

A few days ago, while I was walking home holding bags of groceries, I saw a big and fluffy orange cat along the way. I wondered for a moment how cute the cat was so I immediately scooped the fluffy ball and took it home with me.

The cat seems to be comfortable as he kept following me around. Yes, the cat's a male. He would kept on purring on my legs and when I looked down at him, he'd also stare with a cute 'meow'.

Later that night, I snuggled with him at the couch. I made up my mind and gave him a name, Yoonie.

He seemed to like it 'cause he responded with a series of meows when I called him by that.

I named him after you, Yoongi. I hope you don't mind.

Tonight, before I sleep, I'll apply for a job online. I need to find one sooner 'cause I have my Yoonie to take care of. It's so silly that the cat is inspiring me to find work.

Anyway, Yoongi, I'm happy.

Congratulations on your group's newest comeback. I kept on streaming the moment you released all of your songs in your new album up til now. You guys are amazing! You deserve all the love and support from your fans.

I know you're busy so I can't thank you enough for not ignoring my letters despite how hectic your schedules are. I may not have received a single reply from you, but knowing you're reading my messages is already enough for me.

Make sure you have plenty of rest when you have the chance. I love you.

your nameless fan girl

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