"Yoongi, I miss my family."

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Dear Yoongi,

I rummaged through the boxes I kept at the attic and guess what I found?

My paintbrushes and old paintings! The last time I painted was when I was still in college. When everything was not so fine, but at least, I wasn't lonely. When I was just another teenage girl with normal family problems and fake friends issues, but at least, I was still able to cope up because I'm with my family.

Yoongi, I miss them so much. They're my strength. I may not have the perfect family and I can say that at some point, I put the blame on them on why am I like this right now, but they're still family.

Even if we still fight, at the end of the day, I always run back home where my family is waiting.

I miss my mom's cooking and the way my father scold me every time I make mistakes around boys. I miss my sister and my brother especially their bullying.

I miss my family, Yoongi.

I doubt if they miss me too. It's been four years and we haven't seen or contacted each other yet.

Yoongi, I'm turning twenty-four soon yet I'm still here. Lonely, broken, and so depressed.

How come they didn't make an effort to find me or even call me?

Do they really hate me that much?

What should I do, Yoongi?

your nameless fan girl

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