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Dear Yoongi,

If only I could put to words how I felt when I woke up today.

I don't know. Maybe, I'm just thinking too much, but I felt so alone right now.

Am I overreacting? I don't want to call some of my friends. I don't want to burden them with my petty issues. I know I can get over with this soon.

Right, Yoongi?

When I was in elementary, I was such a weakling. I cry over small things and I easily get scared. My classmates thought I was just acting or something. They did things to me. They threw my bag at the garbage bin and hid my shoes. Some days, they would act so nice to me and then pick on me afterwards. They said I was the weirdest and they don't want to be friends with me because of that.

I never told my parents about it. They won't care anyway 'cause they're busy fighting every single day.

When I was in high school, things got worse between my parents. I really hated it when they both let us see them bickering over money, jealousy, and separation.

I thought it was so cruel of them to let me and my siblings witness how our family's starting to fall apart.

We grew up getting used to violence. Yes, they don't hurt us physically, but I knew that it has affected our psychological and mental state.

At school, I don't really have any friends. I chose to be alone for the rest of my high school days. They called me names and so on, but I didn't care anymore.

Every time those memories came crashing into my mind, I get nervous and cry all of a sudden.

It's painful to remember those things.

Yoongi, I hope I will be okay soon.

Dear Yoongi [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now