Chapter 3: Breaking And Entering

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Sly Smiled at all the applause. He had finally finished his singing marathon and was happily awarded with the smiles of the people in the cafe. The huge man that had been knitting tossed him the finished Christmas Sweater. "Wow, this is awesome!" He exclaimed admiring the skill.

      The man humbly bowed ,his face bright red, Clearly embarrassed by the compliment. Sly happily waved as everyone cheered. He knew he was good at singing, but he never realized he could charm a whole crowd of people by doing so.

He checked his phone and realized that it was ten o'clock. "Wow, I really lost track of time! Better get going." He said to nobody in particular. He leapt wildly of the wood stage and Jumped through the glass door smashing it to pieces in the process.

Sly raced down the usually crowded strangely empty dark streets of Paris and pulled his cane ( a wooden stick with a gold hook at the end) viciously out of a tie-die fanny pack he found lying on the street. He ran over to a silver pipe and climbed, sticking the cane in is mouth and using the gutter to hurl himself onto the tile roof

Sly stood up slowly and stared out into the misty night air. The sky was lit up with hundreds of dazzling stars. The Eiffel Tower shone brighter than the full moon, and was adorned with tinsel and Christmas lights. The city was alive and shining, and of course the Christmas blimps were high in the sky, basking the town in red and green hues. It was beautiful in an odd way.

"Hey, What are you doing up there?" He heard a voice say. Sly whirled around surprised when he saw the officer Sky staring up at him. "Oh, um, oh, um, um I, um, uh, mmmmm, nothing!" He said, lying.

Of course he had to lie. Sky was a cop, and if she found out he was about to go on a heist he would be arrested instantly. Well, I mean, not instantly, he was better at avoiding arrest then that, but Sky would never trust him again and that would limit his chances with Carmelita even more.

Sky gave him a skeptical look. "Are you sure about that?" She questioned in a masculine voice. "You look like your hiding something." She stated, putting her hands on her hips. Sly stared at her blankly for a second. He was a very bad liar, so he threw his arms up dramatically and said "Well no sh-" His phone rang, interrupting him.

He answered the call and Bentley on the other line said "Hey Sly. Looks like your behind schedule. You were supposed to be here FIVE MINUTES AGO!" He practically screamed. After Bentley spoke, Sly also herd "THE MURRY IS HERE TO CRUSH YOU!" Coming from someone aggressively in the background. "Uhh, Bentley? What's going on over there?" Sly said anxiously, twirling a wad of hair stuck to his thigh.

"Oh" Bentley began. "That's just Murray interrogating a guard. You need to get here NOW! We have the perfect opening, the traps are disabled, the guards are distracted, it's perfect!"

Sly sighed. "Okay, I'll hurry. See you in a minute." He hung up, and looked back down at Sky. "Umm, hey I kinda have to go." He explained splaying out his hands. "Okay, bye Sly. Don't do anything stupid!" She called as she ran of into the darkness.

Sly turned back to face the Effiel tower, and leapt of the roof. He bolted down the street weaving through the seemingly empty city and charged in the direction he assumed the heist was in.

     After he had been running for a while, he finally found the place. He quickly climbed up a pipe to get to the roof. "Hey guys." Sly said walking up to Bentley and Murray."Sly! Your sooooo late!" Bentley scolded. Sly crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said like nasally teenage girl.

"Well, where's the 'perfect opening?'" He asked. Holding his hands out and letting them drop. "Well sly, your too late. The opening is gone, so we're going to just go for it and screw the plan." Bentley said glaring at him.

Sly grinned and said "Sounds great." Bentley stared at him. "You aren't serious Sly, are you?" He asked. Sly sighed and insisted that they should start right away.

Sly silently picked the lock to the skylight they were right next to and threw open the glass. Sly and the others agreed to rendezvous in the basement after they found another way in.

He leapt through the window and silently landed on the ground. He glanced around the small loft he was standing on. His eyes caught sight of a large diamond on display on a dresser. He slowly crept over to it but froze when he heard a loud groan.

He looked beside the dresser and saw that he had landed in someone's bedroom and There was a man fast asleep in the bed. Sly silently crept away from the man and the diamond and slowly made his way over to the door, carful not to step on anything.

Once he was through he let out a large sigh of relief. He glanced around and headed towards where he assumed the basement was for the rendezvous.


Carmelita sat in her parked car outside of the popular fast food restaurant known as Bacon Drive. She silently ate her extra plain burger as she looked around the parking lot to see if Nathan was going to show. She checked her Apple Watch, and Nathan was already twenty minutes late.

Just then, the engine of a very old broken down looking Volkswagen Beetle roared as it chugged into the restaurant's drive through. Carmelita squinted trying time see the driver through the window and sure enough, the driver of the rusty crusty Volkswagen was Nathan.

Carmelita waited until Nathan had ordered and watched as he pulled up right next to her and rolled down his disgusting window. "Get in!" He yelled to Carmelita. Carmelita sighed and instantly regretted agreeing to take the case. She grabbed her food and got out of her nice clean Ferrari and climbed into his disgusting mess of a vehicle.

She watched him wolf down six triple bacon burgers in less then a minute. "Umm, are we going to start?" Carmelita asked breaking the awkward silence. Nathan nodded and tossed the burger wrappers into the back seat.

He turned the car back on and the engine roared to life as he sped out of the parking lot. Carmelita noticed that they were way above the speed limit, but she didn't mind. After all, she was technically at work. Nathan glanced at her and said "So, i guess this is a kinda like a date, huh?"

Carmelita quickly turned on the radio and it started playing something along the lines of Russian death metal. "Keep your eyes on the road." She said glaring at him. She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through TikTok.

Nathan stares at her phone for a minute. "Oh my gosh, you have a Samsung? That's so lame. What are you, 100 years old?" He said laughing. Carmelita punched him in the face, which shut him up.

They kept driving for what felt like an hour until they finally arrived at a small house. "Are you sure this is the place?" Carmelita asked sceptically. Nathan stared at the building. "Uh... I think so." He said also sounding quite sceptical.

Carmelita squinted. She saw something green and pink on the roof. "What the..." she said getting out of the rusty car, the door falling of as she opened it.

Her gaze still remained on the roof, but the figures disappeared. "Oh Jesus Christ that's a lot of blood!" Nathan said from the other side of the car. Carmelita rolled her eyes. "Get over it, will you? C'mon, let's blow this joint."

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