Chapter 7: Behind Bars

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     Sly awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. He threw aside his powder pink bedsheets and hopped out of bed fully clothed. He left his bedroom and headed out into the main room. He sauntered over to the fridge and threw the door open aggressively but was shocked to see that there was no food.

     Instead of food, the only thing in there was a bunch of custom shelves that were more like racks and what filled them was a bunch of test tubes with mysterious liquid instead. Sly searched the whole fridge but found no food at all. "BENTLEY" he called.

     Bentley came into the room "What Sly?" He asked. Sly turned and faced him with a look of pure horror on his face. "All the food in the fridge is gone!" He yelled. Bentley peered into the fridge. "Oh yes, sorry Sly, but Murray put the fridge in his room, this is my urine cooler." Bentley explained.

      Sly turned at stared at Bentley. "Why would you put a urine cooler in the place of the fridge?" He asked on the brink of tears. Bentley shrugged. "I needed a better place to put it so I thought here would be fine." He said quietly. Sly shook his head and looked away. "I can't believe you." He muttered.

     All of a sudden a loud knock came from the front door. Sly zoomed across the room and threw the door right off its hinges. He stood motionless when he saw the scene in front of him. Murray was standing with his hands cuffed behind his back, surrounded by Interpol agents.

     Sweat poured of of Murray's face. "D-d-do what they say Sly, p-please!" Murray pleaded stuttering slightly. Sly blinked twice. "Uh, what's this about, Ricardo?" Sly asked one of the officers he recognized from his time in Interpol.

     Ricardo looked away. "You are under-" he pinched the upper part of his nose. He teared up a little as he muttered "oh god I can't do this." Ricardo started bawling his eyes out. A much smaller cop patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.

     "What he's trying to say is you three are all under arrest for... countless crimes, many thefts... too many things to say. You all have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney, if you can't afford one, it will be supplied for you."

     Carmelita said coming into view with the smuggest grin in the world plastered across her face. Sly laughed. "Seriously!? You really think it'll be THAT easy to capture us?" He asked giggling like a little girl who just saw thirty one butterfly's doing a mating dance. "C'mon Carm! This is us we're talking about!" He said grinning as him and Bentley got into fighting stances.

     "Right Murray?" Sly asked looking at him. Murray gulped. "If we don't go with them, they'll blow up my baby!" He yelled with tears in his eyes. Sly knew that by baby, Murray had actually meant their team van, which Murray treated like his own child.

     Sly glanced behind Murray and saw that at least five officers were holding rocket launchers to the van. Sly stiffened. Uh oh he thought. If we fight it they'll destroy the van and Murray would never forgive us. Sly sighed as the cops grabbed him and Bentley and cuffed their hands.

     The officers shoved the trio into a cop car and slammed the door shut. "I've got the cane!" A voice yelled from outside of the car. But that's impossible, I have the cane right now! Sly thought very confused. As the cop held up the cane, Sly realized that it was the cane he got at the blimps gift shop.

     Carmelita climbed into the drivers seat. She sighed happily as she began to drive to the station. "Thirteen years. It took me thirteen long years of my life to finally catch the 'Cooper Gang'. It was definitely worth the wait." She began happily.

     "C'mon Carmelita! You have to let us go! We do the same thing as you, just on opposite sides of the law!" Sly pleaded. "Silence, criminal!" Carmelita ordered. The rest of the long dive was quiet, and the reality of there arrest really started to sink in. They had finally reached the police station, and six or seven guards grabbed each of them and escorted them into the station.

     The guards threw Sly, Bentley, and Murray into a large cell, and only one remained on guard after the others left. The remaining officer was Ricardo, the cop that Sly happened to know. "Ricardo, you got to let us out of here! Aren't we like, besties?" Sly begged. Ricardo glared at him. "We aren't anymore." He said sniffling slightly.

"C'mon, Ricardo! You know that we are innocent! We all fight for justice!" Sly pleaded staring at him. "Haven't you ever stole something? Like, the evidence locker? I know I stole LOADS of stuff from there back in my time in Interpol." Sly admitted.

Ricardo shrugged. "I mean, I will admit, I have pocketed a few items from there, but every officer has! Even Carmelita! Her shock pistol is actually from the evidence locker!" Ricardo revealed. Sly grinned from ear to ear. "See? Why should we get arrested for stealing when almost every cop has done the exact same thing!"

Ricardo tapped his hairy chin thoughtfully. "No, it's different. All the cases we take from are all closed, and most of the people who owned stuff in there are dead. So it's more like a thrift store." He explained. Sly sighed. "We're good people! Ricardo, you've got to get us out of here!" Sly begged.

      Ricardo laughed in disgust. "Yeah, I may have thought that before half a year ago, but what you did is unforgivable." He said darkly. Sly had a quizzical look on his face. "I have no idea what your saying." He said awkwardly, even though he knew exactly what Ricardo was talking about.

     Ricardo blinked twice. "Uh, you know. How you LEFT Carmelita for ONE WHOLE YEAR! Bruh, you full on had another life there! I mean, I know it was 20 years for you, but you didn't even remember her! Or your own best friends! That's unforgivable."

     Sly was quiet for a moment. Bentley and Murray silently stared at Sly, waiting to see his reaction. As Sly opened his mouth to reply, but he was interrupted by a door getting thrown open. A very short officer ran in and slid to a stop in front of the cell. He glanced between the three of them.

     "Do you have an attorney?" The small cop asked as he straightened his glasses. The trio turned and stared at each other. After a moment, Bentley glasses shone in the darkness and he let out a small cackle. Sly and Murray both took a step back. Whatever was about to happen, they didn't want to be in the middle of it.

     Bentley met the gaze of the tiny officer. "Of course we do. He should be coming in any minute." He said proudly. Sly and Murray shared a worried glance. "We do?" Murray asked. Just then, the door to the room they were in flew off of its hinges and split in half as it hit the floor. "Howdy, y'all!" Shouted a very familiar voice. The man leapt through the door frame and Sly and Murray gasped when they saw who it was.

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