Chapter 25

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Something cold and wet kept touching my face and nose and it was getting annoying. I was trying to sleep but it just continued. I let out a loud groan in irritation hoping whatever it was would just stop and leave me alone but it continued.

My eyes shot open ready to glare at whoever was the perpetrator responsible for disturbing my sleep. I was not expecting however to be met with the dark beady eyes of a pig.

A freaking pig!

And it was sniffing my face with its snotty snout... I was now fully awake and was about to get up.

"Shhh... Don't move." Someone whispered at me from behind the pig.

It was Jessie with his partner in crime standing right next to him- Warren. They were reaching forward together about to grab the pig when they knocked into each other bumping themselves on their heads.

Warren let out a loud yelp which frightened the pig in front of me causing it to rush off in a blurred pink hurry.

"Dammit Warren! We were so close to getting that stupid pig this time but you just had to crash into me and make a noise. Now what am I supposed to give my dear Alice as a gift to show my undying love to her?"

"What do you mean give it to her, Bren's dumb pig was going to be my gift for her! Besides it was my idea to catch it while the camp was asleep."

They continued arguing with each other completely forgetting to chase after Andy the pig who just ran away. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

True to Warren's word, the camp was still very much asleep but it was soon to wake as the sun neared the east horizon. I felt really groggy and my head was slightly killing me from lack of proper sleep and the late night I had. My face heated up slightly just thinking of it.

I knew that I definitely couldn't go back to sleep now that I was awake thanks to those morons and that bloody pig so I got up, stretching my sore muscles.

Letting out a soft sigh in content, I turned to face Jessie and Warren.

"Oi, morons, the pig has left."

They stopped their bickering looking back at me and then around frantically with wide eyes before hurrying off to search for poor Andy.

Once I had readied myself for the day, I decided to wonder around the camp a little to see if I could locate Ivor's tent so that I would know where to head to a little later.

On my little adventure, I saw a very relieved yet annoyed looking man holding an equally relieved looking pig in his arms. It was Bren and his pig Andy. Looks like they found each other just in time.

Near the centre of the camp I noticed slightly bigger tents meaning soldiers or knights of higher rank were most likely staying in them. I was absolutely certain that Ivor's tent was among them and possibly Commander Tyron's too, perhaps even the Prince's as well.

What I saw next however was a little unexpectant but whom might I be kidding, this is an army camp after all, yet I still at least thought that she would be inside a tent out of view not showcased in the open tied to a pole. It was Alice.

She was asleep, sitting on the ground with her back to an upright pole with her arms bound behind it. Her face was mostly clear of bruises save for a minor few that looked like a couple of days old meaning that there was a very low chance that she had been physically tortured yet.

As if sensing my stare her eyes shot open. I was a little surprised to see a small smile grace her lips. She mouthed something to me which unfortunately I couldn't quite make out but it looked like she was trying to tell me to 'come here'.

I knew that I should not approach her, my gut kept telling me to stay away, to ignore her but my curiosity got the better of me. What do they say, curiosity killed the cat.

I was curious as to why she was calling me over. I had a feeling she wanted to black mail me into helping her by threatening to sell me out on my identity but maybe she didn't. I knew that I was being stupid, an absolute idiot even but I couldn't help it.

When I reached her, she looked back up at me, meeting my eyes.

"What do you want?" I finally voiced my thoughts to her when nothing had been said for a while.

"Hello to you too..." her voice was raspy, "I know this is a strange request but could you please help a fellow girl out? I'm in desperate need of some water, just a little. I'm begging you."

I narrowed my eyes at her when she brought up the fact that both of us were girls. I was however glad that her voice was raspy so it was very soft and barely audible.

"You do know that you are a prisoner. I don't think that I'm allowed to help you let alone be seen conversing with you."

I kind of did feel a little sorry for her but tried not to show it however when she looked away defeatedly my resolve broke. I reached out and grabbed a canister of water that I saw nearby and brought it to her lips.

She drank it like her life depended on it, like she would never get the chance to have any water again.

"Stop!" I heard someone shout, I quickly pulled the canister away from her now satisfied self and turned to face the person who called me out.

It was the guy that Jessie and Warren were scared of, the one who punished them for their ruckus in the previous camp with the pig. It was Greg, the man of few words.

He still looked scary as ever and I could not help but feel a slight shiver go down my spine as I met his cold emotionless eyes.

"My apologies."

I quickly muttered and turned to leave not wanting to stay any longer around this man. I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I nearly yelped in fright.

He pushed me along with him until we stopped in front of a large tent, I was too terrified to focus. I now fully understand why the two idiots are scared of this man.

Without further ado, he shoved me into the tent following in right behind me.

It took me exactly one second for my eyes to adjust but when they did, I really wished that they hadn't.

Three figures stood in the tent surrounding a large flat table with a couple of maps spread out on it. Their gazes all turned to see who had the audacity to interrupt which what was probably a very important discussion amongst them.

I was met with the amused yet curious stormy grey eyes of Commander Tyron, the surprised yet confused greenish-blue eyes of General Ivor and the annoyed yet alert chocolate brown eyes of Prince Edward.

Yip I am dead for sure now.

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