Chapter 27

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"Ha I didn't know that you were into men Commander but I guess that I can't blame you, I mean he is a cutie. If I didn't recently find my true love, I would have fallen for this prison guards feminine looks too."

I let out a groan, angry to be woken up as I was far to comfortable in my current position. Jessie's obnoxious voice was followed by an uncanny snigger.

I sat up and groggily glared at them.

"You are one to talk. Correct me if I am wrong but weren't you and Warren cuddling last night?" I let out an evil smirk.

"I was having a bad dream okay!" Jessie pouted and looked away. Warren's cheeks were tinted pink.

I raised an eyebrow, showing that I didn't believe them.

"You are mean you know that! I would have never have fallen for you, I take that back." Jessie huffed and stomped off childishly.

Warren followed shortly after but stopped midway and turned to face me.

"If you ever have a nightmare, Im still available," he winked, "anytime."

Once he took his leave, I face palmed and groaned in utter annoyance. I heard a soft chuckle next to me.

Turning I sent a glare towards Commander Tyron who held up his hands innocently but still had a cheeky smile on his face.

I had fallen asleep leaning against his shoulder last night but for some reason woke up with my head using his lap as a pillow. Either myself or him must have shifted my position to rest comfortably but I assume that it was him for I don't move around much in my sleep. My cheeks reddened slightly.

"I hate you, now they think we are into each other." I spoke still glaring.

"Come on we need to get going." He spoke getting up and stretching while completely ignoring my statement. I did not miss the fact that he still had that smile gracing his lips. I so badly wanted to punch him in the face. I let out a huff and nodded in return.

Once I had gathered everything and put my amour on, I was alerted by the soft hammering of hooves running towards us. I wasn't the only one who heard it.

The others all heard it to. They were getting closer. I glanced at the Commander waiting for him to give us orders.


I knew exactly what he meant. We needed to climb. It was then when I became painfully aware of his fear of heights. I tensed a little but I assumed that he would be okay on the lower branches.

Warren and Jessie had also got the message and were already starting to climb with Jessie in the lead helping Warren reach the cover of the leaves. The clattering of hooves was getting louder.

I glanced at Commander Tyron. He motioned for me to hurry up and climb. I ran towards the nearest tree, I was relieved that he was right behind me. I began frantically climbing as I heard the horses start getting very near.

Once I had reached a safe enough height, I looked down to notice the Commander who was climbing the same tree as me. He had made it pretty high considering his fear but was still not in the safe zone yet.


I quickly climbed down towards him to try help him. He just needed to climb up a few more branches. When he saw me his hand reached up to grab my offered hand but we were just a minute to late. I was more hidden than him but if one looked carefully, they would still be able to spot me.

Commander Tyron however was more visible but was still partially hidden. I was praying that whoever it was would not look up.

We didn't move as to not attract eyes to any movement or sound made as the horses entered the clearing. They were mounted by armoured enemy soldiers. I didn't know then but those were the ones we had been tracking.

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