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By the time we got back to Mackenzie's it was a little after six. I was tired and I know she was too. She leant me a shirt and a pair of short shorts so I was more comfotable and we settled on her sofa and put on some crappy sitcom that I can't remember the name of. The cheap humor and the feeling of Mackenzie hugging me from behind ended up lulling me into a light sleep.

Its weird to think that I'm currently resting in my girlfriends arms, but at the same time it feels so damn right. I have no idea where I plucked up the balls to ask a girl of this level of beauty, with her wit and intelligence, to be my girlfriend. But I am very excited to see where this goes, especially if it means I get to kiss her a lot more than I was before.

I feel something brushing past my face. It doesn't make contact, but the air passing over my skin is making it itch so much that I can feel myself stirring from whatever state of consciousness I was found in. I still feel Mackenzie's arms wrapped around my hips, her body pressed against my back and her head resting comfortably on my shoulder. It's comforting, the way her breathing comes out short and quick against my neck, the way her fingers tighten and relax against my waist. It's strange how normal this feels despite this, us, only being a thing for a little under two months.

I both startle and relax when I come face to face with someone I've never met before, his face baring a striking resemblance to the girl sleeping soundly behind me. He isn't someone who knows me, and he definitely isn't my parents or the soccer team, so my heartbeat slows from incredibly erratic to just erratic. I must've jolted against Mackenzie so hard that I woke her, my gaze staying attached to the strange man looking at our position with a smug smile on his face. "Good, you're both awake."

This man looks to be in his late twenties, his short hair is blonde and curling behind his ears. He seems to stand over six feet tall, his shoulders broad and his physique that of health. His strong jaw is coated with stubble darker than the hair on his head and his bow shaped lips are pulled into an amused smirk. His grey eyes, grey eyes I immediately recognise, are filled with humour as he waits for his sister to wake up. I'm assuming this is Mackenzie's infamous brother turned legal guardian she barely ever talks about. I mean, it's a pretty sure assumption based off the fact he can get into her house and they have practically identical facial features, especially the matching eye colour. There can't be very many people on the planet with eyes as amazing as Mackenzie's.

I feel Mackenzie stir behind me, her hands letting go of my body so she can rub her eyes. "What do you want, Nate?"

"I want you to stop sleeping on my couch so I can watch the game." He chuckles, gripping the knot in his tie and loosening it slightly. It clicks with me that he's in a suit, a smart outfit for a Saturday, so I don't really know what to assume about him. He could've been to church or he could've been at work.

"The game isn't on for another hour." Mackenzie clicks her tongue in annoyance, leaning over me and grabbing her phone from the floor. I'm dumbfounded by the fact she's just conversing with her brother like it's completely normal for me to be here, and is completely normal for him to find her like this. The second thought has my stomach turning slightly. "I set an alarm so I'd be out of your way."

She dangles her phone in his face and he chuckles, running a hand over her hair and messing it slightly. She swats it away and I watch as his gaze finally lands on me once again. "Are you going to introduce me? Or am I going to have to guess who the girl you're cuddling on our couch is?"

Mackenzie looks at her brother and grins, her gaze landing on me as her face softens, and I feel her hand lace with mine under the safety of the covers. "Nate, this is Alex. Alex, this is my insufferable brother Nate."

Nate's eyes widen. Slowly, a smirk pulls at his mouth as something clicks in his brain; the way Mackenzie's grip on my hand tightens has me swallowing nervously. They share a look, a look similar to the ones I share with Faye and April when we know something that someone else doesn't. It's conspiratorial; the gleam in his eye leads me to believe that my assumption is right. "Ah. So this is Alex Doherty. Well sis, she's as gorgeous as you described her."

Better Than Milkshakes, Better Than Boys (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now