Merry Christmas Soobinie (Soobin & Yeonjun)

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Disclaimer: This contains smut, light BDSM, some blood (not bad i swear), and the use of a camera (you will see)

This is also posted on my AO3 account: txtlela56
I also meant to post this around Christmas but never got to it...

It was Christmas day and the members just got done opening presents, all of them still in their pajamas. They were all very happy from all the gifts they got. It was also about time for the minors to go and see their parents, since they had set a time for them to leave.

"Time to go to my parent's house now~" Taehyun said excitedly as he stood up.

"Yay!~" Beomgyu said happily as he followed Taehyun, Kai trailing behind. Yeonjun leaned into Soobin's ear.

"I have a present for you when they leave, Soobinie." Soobin blushed at Yeonjun's words and fiddled his thumbs in embarrassment. Yeonjun smirked at him as he got up and followed the members to the room. I wonder what it is, Soobin thought ,and why would he wait until the other members leave? Soobin then stood. Just as he got up, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai came out of the bedroom with winter clothes and headed to the front door.

"We'll see you guys later~ Have a good rest of your Christmas~" Beomgyu said excitedly as he opened the door. Him, Taehyun, and Kai all said their goodbyes to Soobin and Yeonjun then left. Soobin stood there, looking at Yeonjun, waiting for a response. Yeonjun turned around and smiled at Soobin.

"It's in the bedroom, go look." Yeonjun said as he pointed to the bedroom. Soobin sat there dumbfounded for a moment then remembered Yeonjun had a gift for him.

"O-okay." Soobin said as he turned around and headed to the bedroom. Soobin walked in through the door and looked around for something that would be wrapped. He was so focused on it that he didn't notice Yeonjun had walked in and closed the door, let alone lock the door.

"Soobinie." Yeonjun said from behind him. Soobin whipped his head around to face Yeonjun. Yeonjun gave Soobin a seductive look. Soobin raised an eyebrow.

"I can't find it.. uh where is it?.." Soobin asked. Next thing he knew he was being pined against the wall.

"It's right in front of you baby." Yeonjun said. Soobin blushed so much that Yeonjun could feel the heat radiating off of his face. Yeonjun smirked at this and slowly trailed his hand from Soobin's thigh and up to his chin. Soobin could feel the sparks starting within him from Yeonjun's touch. Yeonjun roughly grabbed Soobin chin and kissed him.

"H-hyung.. are you thinking-" Soobin was cut off from Yeonjun kissing him roughly again. As Yeonjun pulled away, he bit Soobin's lip, making Soobin let out a small whine.

"Are you okay with it Soobinie?" Yeonjun asked, not letting go of Soobin. They looked in each other's eyes for a moment.

"Yes hyung... Wreck me." Yeonjun smirked.

"You'll be good for daddy, won't you baby?~" Yeonjun said as as he stroked Soobin's cheek. Soobin nodded.

"Yes daddy. I'll be a good slut for you."

"Good~" Yeonjun leaned back in to roughly kiss Soobin. Soobin leaned his head back against the wall as Yeonjun roughly kissed him. He pressed his body against Soobin and trapped him against the wall. Yeonjun ran his fingers through Soobin's hair and lightly pulled. Soobin let out a small moan, and Yeonjun took the opportunity and quickly stuck his tongue in Soobin's mouth. Soobin opened his mouth a little more to give more access to Yeonjun as he explored his mouth. Soobin gripped onto Yeonjun's shirt as he played with Soobin's tongue. Soobin struggled to keep up with Yeonjun playing with his tongue, he started to drool. Yeonjun didn't care about the drool and bit Soobin's lips. He went back to roughly kissing Soobin and continued to nip at his lips a few times. He stopped when he started to taste blood.

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