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The sound of the pelting down rain drowned out any other sound in a small cave in the middle of a forest. Inside, a massive wolf huddled. He watched the rain water gather in a tiny dip in the ground, soon a big enough puddle to see the droplets ripple. Next to him lied an open bag that was pouring it's insides out onto the cold, rocky ground. Shivering, he nosed the stuff back into the bag and held it in his jaws as he ventured deeper into the cave.

It went on for only a short while before he came to a dead end. He could see almost nothing, and with a small crack, a human stood where the wolf once was. He rummaged through his bag and found a flashlight. When he turned it on, it flickered once, then a steady stream of light filled the room. In front of him was a desk, and on it, papers. All but one were completely blank. He picked up the one with words and began to read them.

One hundred years later, a shifter will appear,

Who is more powerful than the rest.

She will stop the war and bring peace to the world,

For her heart is pure and blessed.

On the night of no moon, the Bringer will come,

Destined to fight and save us from some.

The ground will quake as she passes,

For she is one with the spirits.

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