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Rachel's P.O.V
I know what your thinking your smart and beautiful but you don't want to be caught with my best friend Finn Hudson other best friend Noah Puckerman but me and Puck have some things in common, so I told Santana to keep it quiet because me and Puck are going to the movies later on after class.

With New Directions
"So Rachel how's the last night movie." Finn asked me but I shrugged my shoulders.

"We went to see Zombieland." I said and Finn looked at me weird but Puck singled me to come up with something else.

"What are you talking about we never went to the movies who's this we." Finn asked me and I started getting nervous now.

"I didn't say we I said me, me went to the movies." I said and Finn looked at me like I was hiding something.

"Are you sure you said me went to the movies." Finn asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yes me said that and now me have to head to class." I said and walked away from him.

"Omg Rachel's dating somebody." Finn said and shooked Quinn and the rest of the members.

"Someone has to know there's Santana they always with each other." Quinn said and it calmed Finn down.

"Hey Santana what going on with Rachel she's been acting weird." Quinn said and Santana studdered she didn't know what word's to say.

"Umm,ummm, ummm, me gotta go to class." Santana said and walked away fast.

"Ummm, Ummm, Ummmm 3 ummm Rachel's dating somebody." Quinn said and held Finn's shoulders.

With Quinn and Finn
"So who do you think Rachel's sneaking around with." Quinn said and Finn clenched his fists he's been in love with Rachel every since but he's needs to make sure no one is dating her.

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