(Ch13 Pt2) -Horseshoe Overlook-

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Chapter 13 Pt. II
"To Find One's Bearings..."
("Exit Pursued By A Bruised Ego")


The afternoon, sparkly dew on the trees fell as they rode onwards, the chilly air slightly welcoming as the breeze kissed their faces. The ride was soothing and it helped with the fact that they caused quite a stir in Valentine's big saloon. Or daresay, pretty much every part of the land Dutch's gang manages to settle in.

The cloudy sky was stony gray, the smell of rain remained and floated in the air. Being admittedly too caring (embarrassingly), Tulip would hope her or Willow or even Jack don't get any sickness or colds from the weather. The rain always reminded her how one person in the gang would have a cold and all the sudden it passes to someone else because they were too close to their personal bubble. (Tulip would definitely enjoy Micah being sickly and irritated any day though.)

The horses seem to enjoy the cold air and Hosea continued the conversation. "They got a good range horse tack at the Valentine Stables. Some beautiful saddles...I used to have a nice one." Tulip glanced at her old worn, common saddle.

"Yeah, what happened to that?" Willow said from behind.

"Got stolen outside that saloon in Deer Creek."

Arthur seemed to have a memory pop into his mind. "Ohh, I remember now, just about. That turned into a long day."

"Yes, remember? Mac went crazy, threatened to kill the whole town. And Davey was passed out so cold we left him there, came back in the next day and... he woke up started right back drinkin' again."

"I miss those boys."

Hosea leaned a little bit, "Jenny too, she had some spark, that girl."

"It must've been hard on Lenny, you could tell he was sweet on her."

"Well, Lenny and Jenny could never have worked, That's like Arthur and Martha, or Bill and Phil."

"Haha, maybe yer right. Does feel like a bit of our luck died with them, too." Then without muttering, they picked up the pace as well as their volume.

"Nonsense, we'll be alright. Just need some money to get back to our feet."

"I hope so, Hosea..."

A little heavy pause settled upon their conversation as they stormed across the mucky brown paths, the mountains looking more beautiful and grander the closer they rode to Valentine.

Tulip rode alongside them, moving on up and spelled out: "Bonds?"

"Not yet. Can't offload 'em Cornwall's bonds- they're still very hot. It need to be done right. I have a couple of leads I've been lookin' into." Just then, the black shire brayed in annoyance, "Don't let that big bastard get the better of you there, Arthur."

"Calm down, there, there boy..." He gave a few pats while the rest slowed down the pace slightly. "He's alright." The shire almost looked as if it ignorantly huffed, shaking its long hair out of its dark eyes.

Galloping across the path, they headed to the left of the town, the smell ever-so welcoming. "The stables are just up ahead. Okay, go sell that big brute and buy yourself a horse. I'm goin' off to the general store, get a few things to lure out that bear. Meet you back in a bit."

Tulip, Arthur, and Willow hopped off, the blonde muttered something about not wanting to "get brutally mauled and ripped apart" by the biggest monster Hosea supposedly has ever seen. The lot came across the worn, white building. The white paint being so weather damaged and ruined through time made it look more grayer rather than pearly white. Closer they strolled to the stables, stronger came the smell of horse manure.

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