The struggles of choosing a university

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Choosing a university is pretty much just choosing where you will be sleeping for the next 2-4 years. Just kidding. Choosing a university is difficult. You have to take into account the tuition fee, the location, the scholarships they offer etc. It is a lot of pressure and über stressful. There are thousands of programs offered and you discover programs you did not even know existed. You research and research and you start to feel overwhelmed. You attend university presentations, fairs or preview days but somehow you're still undecided. Meanwhile, your parents are worried about the cost of tuition. They request that you choose a university closer to home so they don't have to pay for dorm. Then your friends try to convince you to choose the same university they want to go to so that you don't go separate ways. You're confused and scared. Take a deep breath. Calm down. Everything's okay. We've gone through or are going through the same situation. You can prevent developing an anxiety attack by talking to your guidance counsellor. Think of what subject interests you or what career you picture yourself doing in 5-10 years. In addition, there are many websites where you can research programs universities offer based on your interests. Choosing a university doesn't have to be this stressful.

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