Princey police the Sequel

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Cory turned on the light of the princey police station, a start of a new day! Cory the chief of the police department always got there an hour early before everyone else. As cory sat  In his office he heard a loud thump from down stairs. "Uhhh COUGH what did you do"he screamed!!!!!!!!

"Nothin, just trying to tame kween!",cough yelled back.

Cory now was really confused but cough usually did that to everyone so he continued with his work.  Bea(the assistant chief) walked in with periwinkle(the fanfic captain)after cory finished his third file."frost called in sick, she got a cold again",said bea.

Bea sat at the front desk and started to login to her computer."I'm going down stairs to give cough food be right back",said periwinkle as she walked downstairs.

Devil (the art spammer),Roes(the roleplay general), and princey(the Mayer god) came a few minutes later.
"Princey lovely to be in your presence",said cory.

"Cory",said princey as he gave him a hug.

"Nice to see you ,hows the murderer",said princey.

"Coughs with her you can go check",cory replied.

Down stairs cough was on one side of the jail cell as murder kween was on the opposite side trying to hide in the darkness. Cough never had a roommate for this long, kween had been here for a whole month all cough new about her was that she was here because she tried to steal the great crown of princey, and that she goes wild whenever she mentions the name cod(that's the name of the guy who caught her). Cough wanted to know at least her name, but so far she had no luck.

"Hey cough",said periwinkle as she handed her a donuts and a cup of water.

"Have any luck",she continued.

"No, but she seems to hate the guy who caught her",said cough.

"No suprise there",said periwinkle.

"I'll keep trying",cough said as she broke a piece of the donuts and tried to give it to the murder kween as a peace offering.

Upstairs Devil was working on a sketch of princey ( even tho she was so post to be drawing a realistic picture of the murder kween for her trial) when she got a message from frosty.

Hey Devil, can you check my computer for any new memes thanks!

Devil shared an office with frosty since they both worked on the crime scenes of there investigations together. When Devil went on to frosty's computer however she found something odd, it turns out frosty has been looking at the files for the murder kween case! Devil was a little confused but ignored it and dicided ahead that she would ask her about it later.

  Rose and periwinkle came up to Cory
And rose slammed her hands on cory's desk.

"So tell me who's job is more important mine or peris",yelled Rose.

  "uhhh why?", said cory.

"Because Devil said our jobs are the same and ever since then we want to know who's better",said periwinkle.

"Uhhhh", said cory.

"You know what everyone come up and will all vote", yelled out rose.

"WHAT, EVeN Kween down here",yelled cough from downstairs.

"Why not",said said devil as she walked in from upstairs.

Cough and kween came in a few seconds later and they all stood there when Bea came up but everyone stayed silent, because beas face was in horror. As she walked up to the front to everyone in the room with tears falling from her eye she said
"Frosty.... is missing"


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