I : Bath

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A/N I really want to explore these two women and the way they would love and experience one another. Lesbian sex and intimacy is so often done wrong - it puts women in ideal places with high buildups, perfect synchronization, and such. I am no expert at writing it, but I live it, so I want to play with these two and try to show their intimate life in an honest way. I hope that it is enjoyable, realistic, and if anything, calls to you and your lover.


“Do you like baths, Therese?”

Therese froze in the shower as Carol's voice ran through her, echoing across the white bathroom. That sneaky minx was always popping up and surprising Therese. She would have to start locking the door just to prevent herself from the heart palpitations that Carol had been causing since she moved in.

“I'm sorry, darling, if I startled you.” Carol climbed in the shower behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist and then turning them both so that she was under the stream of steaming water. Neither one of them could see much, as Therese often opted to shower without a light on. She hated the bright lights invading her thinking space.

“You took my hot water,” Therese said, but her breath was hitched and caught in the back of her throat from the feeling of Carol's bare breasts against her back and her long fingers along her hips.

“Sure did,” Carol smiled. “But seriously, Therese, are you a bath person? I've been craving a nice soak in this tub. Bubbles...candles, maybe?”

Therese could only nod. Carol dropped a kiss to the top of her head, pulling her tighter against her. Therese let out a long sigh before turning to her. The shower was the only place that she wasn't a foot shorter than Carol, since Carol was almost always in her shoes. Therese's face fell above Carol's breasts, leaving her just tall enough to lay her head in the crook of her neck.

“Why don't you let me wash my hair and go find some candles.”

Padding through the apartment, Therese looked for candles and matches and poured some drinks while she waited. It was surreal, she thought, to be here. The apartment still didn't feel final to her. All of her things were moved in, her clothes unpacked; Carol even asked her to pick out some furnishings and decorations for the living and bedroom. Still, the place felt like a world from her dreams that could slip away as she reached consciousness.

It was rather the same as Carol. Carol was this person who she felt and looked at, but at any moment, it felt as though she could wake up. Maybe though, that was exactly what falling in love was to feel like; as if everything could vanish, but every time it doesn't you feel even more exhilarated.

Therese could hear the bath water running as she stood behind the door. She was content, holding two small flutes of champagne in one hand and a candle in the other. She watched the dim light flicker across the photographs she had taken, mostly of flowers and nature that Carol had insisted be hung in the bedroom. The candlelight cast shadows across each image, making them appear to be moving in gentle rhythms back and forth.

“You can come in now, Therese.” Carol's low voice made her cheeks grow hot as she struggled to push the door open.

Carol was in the tub already, bubbles covering the length of her body with steam rising up from the water and past her face. Her hair was pulled back, pinned in a loose french twist with blond wisps falling about her neck, some sticking with water. Much like the photos on the wall, the candle light from Therese's candle flicked across her sleek skin and danced along her body.

She set the candle down and handed Carol a glass.

“Well... join me?” Carol looked at her expectantly, sliding down into the tub to rest her chin along the rim. Her eyelids hung seductively over the gray irises that reflected gold. She stared with such intensity that Therese, once again, lost her breath somewhere in the back of her throat, feeling bashful under her gaze.

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