XII : Grocery

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A/N: There are times and occasions when you never cared what others thought about you nor your choices and how you take advantage of them. Take care!


"What's next on the list?" Carol gave the third degree to struggle and wonder what she now had on that damn grocery list. It wasn't only food and all that, but maybe souvenirs if they see something that way. Carol was pushing a cart full of aliment that she slightly nudged on before she heard an answer from her dear, Therese.

"Erm, fruit?" Therese answered. Almost a question she stated as she cocked an eyebrow.

Carol made a face of bewilderment that made her part lips, eyes slightly looking sideways, before she gazes at the other woman with a boggled look. "Is that all what it says on the list?"

"You told me to write 'fruit' on the list. You weren't being extra specific."

"And you weren't being extra cautious of what you were writing, honey." Carol stated with a subtle approach. She gently and thoroughly ran her hand across the young women's waist, playfully; before leaning forward toward her face with a decent look.

"Carol! Not in public," Therese approached, looking up at her as she mentioned almost if she yelled in a whisper.. She precipitately hurls Carol's hand away from her as she pulls her face downward since Carol can get a little fidgety sometimes; attempting to hold and kiss her temple but Therese didn't want to take that risk. Especially if they were surrounded by a community of people who wouldn't respect them. She tried to hide it. Against her will. " - you know that."

Carol sighed breathlessly, pulling her hand seperately away from Therese, as she placed it back onto the cart's handle. Her lips curving in the corner of her mouth as she emphasizes her point. "Oh darling, it's really not a big of a deal. I was only trying to hold you, you know?" Carol mentioned wanting her to feel reassured about something so darn silly. Yet, Therese was a silly girl herself and Carol has always knew that about her for the past years they've been through together. A magical journey that they withstand.

Therese didn't say much besides fiddle with her own fingers and have a sensitive eye that Carol didn't peg. They both began to walk forward beside each other. People chanting and families huddled up together, pushing carts as children ran around the market isles, abiding their parents and selves. And There was Carol, smirking that was almost a smile. The crinkles under her eyes as she snags a smile has always made her look bright and beautiful even herself in general and she didn't even have to do anything for it except not- not notice herself doing so.

She was elegant.

She didn't care to do something she's been wanting to do for how many years but she did. The blonde woman briskly tugs one of Therese' hand that she looked down toward and pulled her closely toward her, bodies touching as she held the brunette by her shoulders - from the side of her arms. Therese was quite immensely startled by Carol's actions especially if it was around strangers they didn't even have deep relations with. She shot a look from above her, not exactly a solemn look anymore but a frown that turned into a light grin that occasionally made Carol's smile deepen.

Therese's eyes glisten, dimples really pop out radiantly as her rosy cheeks heats up before she even knew it. She began shifting foot to foot, stabilizing herself by clinging onto Carol's arm, holding her bag with her other arm that was wrapped around her shoulder. "Are you embarrassed?" Therese with no matter, questioned timidly.

"What's there to be embarrased about? Just two women having a wonderful time at a market, buying groceries in peace. Of course I am embarrassed to not know what kind of fruit to buy, but sure, I love the idea of being close to you."

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