The Dragneels Next Door

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It was quiet in the house, something that doesn't happen happen often since those four came along.

Not to say that I don't love my siblings, heck, I dropped out of college just for them, it's just, they can all be a pain in the ass.

Still, even though the quiet is nice, I also hate it nonetheless.

It just bothers me to be all alone in this big house. Then again, it won't be a house for very long. Gildarts, an accountant and an old friend of my mom's, told me that our house will be evoked within the year.

What will I tell them?

Hey, guys! We are going to have to live in our car in a few months! Yay!

God, if I said that, they'll all explode or Gajeel will do it all for them.

I breathed in and decided to step into my front yard. There... That's better. Nothing sounds better than the sounds of nature.


I didn't know the sound of nature can beep...


There it is again. It sounds like it's coming from next door but, that's impossible! Nobody's lived in that house for seven years unless, someone decided to move in.

"Hold the truck! It's good there!" I heard a female shout.

I looked next door to see a large moving truck in the driveway. A woman came out of the far side of the said truck.

She is definitely what I call an attractive woman. She is slender and has long scarlet red hair and piercing brown eyes.

She must have felt my eyes on her cause, soon enough, our sight locked together. She also came towards me.

"Something wrong, mister?" she asked.

"Excuse me for staring. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't stare at you. You are a rather attractive woman." I smirked.

"You're too kind, mister..."

"Jellal. Jellal Heartfilia."

"Erza. Erza Dragneel."

"So, what brings you to our lovely neighborhood, Erza-san?"

"My parents have decided to do a tour around the world but, my siblings still have to go to school. I've arranged with my family for me and my four siblings to live here."

"I wish my parents were caring like that."

"What do your parents do?"

"Well, actually, my mother died in a car crash a few months ago. My dad disappeared as soon as the funeral ended so, I don't really know what happened to him."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jellal-san."

"You don't have to add the san, Erza. Jellal is fine."

"Oi! Miss Erza! Where do we put this?" A guy from the truck asked.

"It's a couch, you dolt!" Erza shouted as she sighed.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Jellal Heartfilia."

"As to you, Erza Dragneel."

And she ran back to the house next door.

Well, this should start getting interesting.

~Normal~ (Heartfilia Residence; Dinner)

Jellal, Gajeel, Juvia, Lucy and Romeo sat together in the dining room, eating the food Lucy had made.

"This is good, Lucy-nee." Romeo smiled.

"Thanks, Romeo!" Lucy said.

"So, did you guys do anything interesting at school today?" Jellal asked.

"I met a shrimp." Gajeel plainly said.

"No, seriously, Gajeel," Jellal said with an annoyed voice.

"I'm not kidding! I met a new transfer student. She was a blue-haired bookworm shrimp named Levy." Gajeel said while chewing on his food.

"I met a transfer student too, except he was a gorgeous hunk! He had raven black hair and his name is Gray-sama! Oh! How Juvia loves-" but, Juvia stopped in her tracks and covered her mouth.

"Did you just talk in the third person?" Romeo asked.

"Juvia has been doing that all day. Especially when she's talking about Gray-sama!" but, she covered her mouth again and began to cry anime tears in defeat.

"Come to think of it, I met a new transfer student too. He was a guy with pink hair and he's really dense!" Lucy laughed.

"How dense is he?" Juvia asked.

"Surprisingly, he's denser than Gajeel," Lucy said, which caused the four to laugh and leaving Gajeel to turn red.

"His name was Natsu..." Lucy said shyly.

"Ooooh! Onee-chan has a crush on the new guy!" Romeo smirked.

"I- I do not!" Lucy blushed, causing the other four siblings to giggle.

"I met a transfer too! She was a shy blue-haired girl named Wendy." Romeo said.

"Want to know who I met today?" Jellal asked.

The other four turned to face him.

"I met one of our new neighbors. Her name was Erza and she said that she'll be living in the house next door with her four siblings." he explained.

"Ain't that convenient?" Gajeel said, slumping down in his chair.

"So, can you explain Erza to us? Just to get an idea of our neighbors." Romeo asked.

"Well, Erza actually shouldn't be any older than I am, if not the same age. She said that she was part of the Dragneel family..." Jellal looked back at his siblings to find them all shocked.

"What's with you four all of a sudden?" The eldest asked.

"Levy... Her last name is Dragneel." Gajeel said.

"Gray-sama's last name is Dragneel!" Juvia added.

"So is Natsu's!" Lucy shouted.

"Wendy too!" Romeo exclaimed.

"Now, this really is convenient..." Jellal sweat dropped.

(A/N: So, the Dragneel family have finally moved next door... We should jut sit back and see how this goes.... MY SHIPS SHALL HAPPEN OR SOMEONE WILL DIE!!!!)

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