Mira's Threat and Gray's Fear

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~Gray~ (End of Math Class)

Geez, this school sucks. I'm apparently a chick magnet, and a very strong none at that. I can't get them to stop following me!!!

"Gray-sama?" I heard from behind.

The only girl I didn't seem to mind in those crowds of girls was just this chick.

Juvia Heartfilia. I don't know why but, I feel all weird when I'm around her. It's like the feeling I had with Ultear...

Which reminds me! I have to go see her today. It's already been two years...

"Is something wrong?" Juvia asked, a worried look on her face.

I'm thinking too much of Ultear right now. I shook my head at my thoughts of her and left the room.


Maybe, I was being too formal. I just met the guy yesterday and I'm already putting my nose where it doesn't belong.

But, at the same time, my heart aches at that face he was wearing. He looked lost. I know that feeling. It happened to me before.

~Flashback~ (Juvia in the 3rd grade)

"Hey, look! It's the rain girl, Juvia!" A boy shouted.

"It's always so cloudy around her!" Another boy shouted.

"Why does she need all the special attention?" A girl asked.

"I bet that if she faints again, somebody will just leave her there to drown!" Another girl laughed.

"Please. Stop picking on Juvia." a little Juvia asked.

"Why are you talking in third person?" A boy asked.

"You sound so weird!" A girl laughed.

"I bet she does it for attention!" Another boy laughed.

"Make the rain go away, Juvia!" Another girl shouted.

"Hey!" A boy shouted.

"Stop right there!" Another girl shouted.

The four bullies and the little Juvia looked over to see Juvia's big brother, 4th grader, Gajeel Heartfilia and Juvia's friend, Mirajane Strauss.

"It's the Iron Dragon and the She-Demon! Run away!" The bullies shouted as thy left Juvia in the rain.

It wasn't Juvia's fault that she was different than the other boys and girls.

She was born differently and didn't develop right. She was always sick and everywhere she went, she brought rain.

Her big brother, Gajeel, and her best friend, Mira was always there though.

(Time Skip to five years later; 8th grade)

Young Juvia Heartfilia was in the nurse's office again.

Her classmates, Ultear and Meredy, kicked her into a tree, causing Juvia to hit her head.

"You're very lucky, Miss Heartfilia. Any harder against that tree and you would've gotten a permanent head injury." the nurse said.

"Thank you." Juvia said.

"I hate Ultear. She's always so mean. It's been this way since the 4th grade. I don't get it. Sometimes, I wish she would just die." Juvia thought.

(Two years later; Juvia in 9th grade)

Fairy Tail High had an assembly today. They were told that Ultear Milkovich had been killed in a car accident earlier that morning.

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