Things Take a Turn For the Worse

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Location: somewhere near city limits


"Sir, we've successfully captured Romeo Heartfilia." my minion told me.

Good. Now, all that's left is to get rid of the Dragneels. And I know exactly how to start.

(Location: Fairy Tail High)


Juvia had broken down in the middle class when she heard what happened to Romeo. I mean, if someone kidnapped Wendy, I'd be upset too.

The teacher told me to take her home. I grabbed my stuff and she grabbed hers.

Halfway down the hallway, she said, "J-Juvia is sorry for putting Gray-sama though all of Juvia's problems."

I kissed Juvia to shut her up.

"Don't be ridiculous. I would do anything and everything for you. And don't you forget that." I told her.

"Gray-sama always knows how to make Juvia happy." she smiled.

"That's because Gray-sama is good at that," I smirked.

I decided on walking the scenic route home, just so that she could see the snow.

"Juvia likes the snow. Juvia thinks that snow is one of the normal things right now." she said, holding her hands out to touch the icy flakes.

One landed on her nose and she sneezed, making me laugh. She's right. This is the one time where everything seems normal.

Oh, I almost forgot!

"Juvia," I said, having her turned towards me.

"Gray-sama?" She asked.

"I got you something," I said and she blushed.

"What's the occasion?" She asked.

"Well, I'm turning eighteen next week and I got something for the occasion." I said, grabbing the objects from my pocket.

"Gimme your hand," I said and Juvia held out her right hand.

I grabbed her hand and placed one of the objects in it. She opened her hand to see a chain necklace with a sky blue water drop hanging off it.

"When did you get this?" She asked happily.

"Came as a matching set. I saw them and I thought of us." I said, showing her mine.

It was a chain necklace with a dark blue snowflake hanging off it.

"I was going to ask you when I turned eighteen but, I wanted to ask if you would be mine and only mine." I said and she stared in shock, but the good kind of shock.

"Yes. Juvia would like that very much," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I smirked, kissing her. Her warm lips set mine on fire, just like on that night.

"Juvia wants to go home, Gray-sama," she said, letting go.

"Okay," I said.

We were at the crossroads, a block from our houses. We seemed to be the only ones there.

We were in the middle of the road when I saw the sign changing too soon.

And the honking from the bus went off. Juvia didn't realize it but, I did.

I couldn't save my first girlfriend. I couldn't save Ultear but, I can save her. I can actually do something for Juvia.

I pushed her away as far as I could and everything felt like slow motion at that point.

Her face seemed scared but, I gave her a smile. And then, she realized it herself, causing her to form tears in her eyes. It's too late to push me out of the way.



"G-Gray-sama?" I said, stuttered at every sentence.

I didn't want to believe it.

It's not real.

This is just a dream.

Gray-sama isn't-

He can't be-

I fell to my knees next to his broken body.

I screamed. I screamed until my voice was gone.


(Location: Magnolia Hospital)

~3rd Person~

The doctors rushed their critical patient into immediate operation.

"What's with his one?" One doctor asked.

"Automobile accident." another doctor said.

"GRAY-SAMA! DON'T DIE ON JUVIA!" The blue-haired girl screamed.

"Nurse, please escort her out." the doctor asked.

The nurse escorted the crying blue-haired girl out and the doctors worked on the patient.

"His name is Gray Dragneel, 17. 6'1, 120 pounds. Blood type AB positive." the doctor noted.

"According to his girlfriend, Juvia Heartfilia, he pushed her out of the way before the bus came." another doctor said.

The pulse went off.

"Sir, we're losing him!" The nurse shouted.

"Clear!" And Gray's body was shocked, desperately trying to be revived.

"Still no pulse!" The nurse shouted.

"Clear!" And Gray's body was shocked the second time.


It's bright, a little too bright for my taste.

"Gray." I heard. It was her voice. But, it couldn't be.

"No way. To hear you would mean that I would have to be-"

And she cut me off, "Yes, Gray. You're dead. You are no longer of this world. You can join me now." Ultear said.

"I can't Ultear. Juvia's still in trouble, her family, my family are all still in danger. I can't die before I know they're safe." I told her and she became dark.

"Juvia, Juvia, Juvia. It's always about Juvia. Even when I was alive, it was all about her. Why?" Ultear asked.

I had to think.

"I love her and nothing more," I told Ultear.

And for the first time, Ultear really smiled. She made a real smile.

"I'm glad, Gray. You're really happy now. I'll send you back but, do me a favor." she said and I perked up.

"Tell Juvia...... That I'm sorry for all that I put her through. I don't care if she forgives me, I just want her to know." she said.

I smiled and nodded.

A light surrounded Ultear and grew brighter by the second.

"Until we meet again, Gray."

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