Fighting Against Comrades

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"Didn't I already answer that?" She answered.

"So....... Does that mean that I can kiss you?" I asked, grabbing her chin.

What am I doing? This is stupid. It's not like a kiss can cure her. That kind of stuff only happens in fairy tales.

"Lyon.... If you're going to do it, do it. You don't leave a girl hanging, you know." she said.

I got closer and I felt my face burn. It's now or never, Lyon. Don't be a chicken like Gray.

I finally brought her closer and I kissed her nose.

"Lyon.... That was my nose." and I felt her hands cupping my face, "These are my lips."

And she crashed her lips into mine. It was soft and sweet. And I realized, she was moving.

I broke apart our kiss and I gave her a tight hug. I felt her hug back.

"Meredy! Meredy, I love you!" I shouted.

"I love you, Lyon. But-"
And I felt something stab me in the neck. A needle with black liquid.

"You're a fool." she smirked and I looked into her eyes.

They weren't her beautiful nature green eyes that I loved. They were bright red, a bright blood red.

"Meredy......" I muttered, as she removed the empty needle.

"Your Meredy is gone and she will never be back." she smiled.

My Meredy isn't gone. She's trapped. I know it. This isn't her.

And it became dark.


I slowly fluttered my eyes open. It was cold and dark, nothing but a torch to light the room. Wait a second.......

Where am I?

Wasn't I just talking to Natsu a second ago? No......

Meredy betrayed us. No, I believe she was controlled. Jellal knew Meredy and she definitely was not herself.

"Yo, the Heartfilia girl woke up!" I heard a familiar male voice shout.

Why is that voice famiiliar?

"Bring her here with the others!" a female voice shouts.

"Sting, you pick her up." another male voice said.

Sting? No! No, no, no,no, no! Not Sting Eucliffe! Not Sabertooth's Sting Eucliffe!

"Long time, no see, princess." Sting smirked as he picked me up.

"You don't have the right to call me that anymore. I'm not your girlfriend!" I shouted, struggling to get out of his arms.

"Stop struggling! I'm taking you to see your friends and your family! Don't you want that?" he asked.

I stopped but, I kept my angry face on.

"You got her?" and I recognized the other voice. It was Sting's best friend, Rogue Cheney.

"Hi, Rogue," I said.

"Hi, Lucy. Just so you know, under these circumstances, we really didn't want to do this." Rogue said.

"Do what? Torture me and my friends and my family for the past six months?" I scoffed.

"We had no choice, Lucy. Jiemma and Minerva....... Well, let's just say that they have some people we love and we can't sacrifice their safety." Sting said, sitting me down in a chair in the other room.

Sting... Rogue... I guess we aren't the only victims of these maniacs.

The room, the one that they set me in, felt like a stage. The only light was a spotlight on the three of us.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They're right here, Lucy dear." I heard the female say.

Another spotlight appeared across the stage: Minerva Sabertooth.

"You.... Where are they? Where's Otou-san and Romeo and Loke and all the other people that you've kidnapped?!" I shouted.

Minerva smirked and her magic appeared. She summoned a see-through-ish sphere of magic energy.

"What's that?" I asked.

"My magic allows me to store things and manipulate space. I have all your little friends and family here. Well, at least I have most of them there." she smiled and several other spotlights appeared next to her.

One was Meredy.

Another was Romeo.

Another was Loke.

Another was a girl who disappeared from my class a few weeks earlier, Kagura.

And the last was a friend of my past self, a celstial wizard: Yukino.

"Yukino!" Sting shouted.

"Kagura?" Rogue shouted too.

"Minerva! You said that if we did what you asked, you let them go! What's the big deal?!" Sting shouted angrily.

"I can't have you two in the way so, the girls will distract you for a bit. Right, ladies?" Minerva smirked and the two girls approached the boys.

What do I do? I need to save my family and break the spell off my friends. I can't do that from here though! Think. Lucy, think! What would the past me do in a situation like this? Oh, I got it! I'll just use my magic. I'm a celestial wizard, who uses keys to summon spirits but, I don't have the keys Mama gave me. What do I do?

My cellphone! I just have to reach for my back pocket! Due to the ropes, my hands were resticted from much movement but, I was able to grab the device and call one of my friends or my "spirits" to help.

Suddenly, the ropes were off and I turned to see Loke.

Wait! But, Loke is standing over there! There are two of them!!!

"WHA-" the other Loke covered my mouth to keep me quiet and sneak me out. Good thing, Sting and Rogue have Minerva distracted.

Once I was sneaked out into another room, the other Loke removed his hand and I whisper-shouted, "WHAT? WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE THERE TWO LOKES??????"

I had a complete meltdown. The other Loke sighed and began to explain.

"There are two of you too, Lucy. Except, you've bonded with Earthland Lucy because she had passed. Ones with a celestial spirit as their Earthland counterpart won't exactly be bonded right away. Celestial spirits can't really die, you know. So, the Loke in there is yours. I'm from the Celestial World, which is connected to Earthland." the spirit explained.

Alright so, the Loke with Minerva is the Loke that I've always known and this is his Earthland counterpart, Leo the Lion.

Makes sense. Really, either of them could be Loke but, this one uses to much hair gel.

"But, don't worry! Either Lucy is still my Lucy!" He winked, kissing my hand.

Yep, he's definitely Loke's counterpart. That damn ladies' man.

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