Can I Have This Dance?

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(A/N: This title always reminds me of HSM!!! ^///•///^)


"Loke, Aries! Over here!" I shouted while holding Natsu's hand.

Wait, why am I holding his hand?! I started to blush a bit and I let go right before my pinkette and ginger friend got to me.

"Gomen, you like it, Lucy-san?" Aries said softly.

"You guys did a great job in here!" Natsu pitched in.

"Arigato, Natsu. So, you're the devil?" Loke asked.

"I'm the Demon Lord, Natsu and who are you, cowardly lion boy?!" Natsu said dramatically.

"Conveniently, I am the Cowardly Lion but, my brave Dorothy will save me! Right, Aries?" Loke smiled at the shy pinkette.

It's so cute... Loke and Aries, I totally ship them. Oh god, I sound like Mira.

"Lucy, you look gorgeous!" She heard from behind.

Speak of the devil........ Behind me was Mira, cosplaying as Tsubaki from Soul Eater.

"So, you ended you doing Tsubaki after all?

"Well, if I did Maka, it wouldn't work since her chest is completely flat."

"I can see that... So, what's Laxus?"

"Well, every weapon needs a meister so, my loverly Laxus is Black*Star or, least he's trying."

"By the way, I never thanked you for giving me the idea to dress up."

"It was no problem *cough* ALL FOR MY SHIPS *cough*"

"What are you planning?"

"My ships will happen and I will have my babies, whether they like it or not."

"What are you thinking in your she-demon brain?"

"NaLu babies, Gruvia babies, GaLe babies, babies-"

"Nevermind... And what's with the names?!"

Mira giggled.

God damn evil woman. She scares the crap out of me...

"Yo, Luce!" Natsu shouted.

"Nani?" I asked, looking at the pinkette with horns.

"You want to dance?" He asked with his grin on his face.

I blushed. Why am I blushing? God, I can hear Mira giggling in the background.

"Sure, Natsu. It is a party after all." I said, which had him go and grab my hand and drag me to the dance floor.

["NaLu in progress." Mira thought.]


I'm so nervous! It's just me and Gray in the back of the gym. Me and Gray-sama.

I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me. Since he's met me, he's avoided me and ignores me. I'm worried.

Well, since I was thinking so hard and not paying where I was going, I knocked myself into someone.

I fell down and the person was helping me up.

"G-Gomen!" I said, the person still holding my hand.

"Anything for my Juvia-chan." I heard. Not him.

Lyon Vastia, my ex-crush.

"Lyon-san! I didn't know that you would be here!" I shouted as I got a good look at what he was wearing. It was an outfit similar to Gray's pirate costume.

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