Chapter Two

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The dark figure stays still and it's really starting to freak me out. It takes all of my courage to make my next decision. I start walking slowly towards the figure, it still doesn't move. My walking picks up and next thing I know I'm sprinting down the hallway. The figure starts to turn and then runs around the corner. I'm almost caught up and all I can make out is that they're wearing a navy blue jacket and black skinny jeans. Once I turn the corner they've vanished, nowhere to be seen. I look towards the ground and notice a black leather glove. Assuming it's theirs I take it and stuff it into my bag.

I walk into the cafeteria and I see Aidan sitting around a group of people. I walk over and he turns around, I just smile at him still trying to calm myself. "Hey Ariah." Lacey says and smiles brightly. Lacey is probably the most popular girl in school. She has bright wavy blonde hair that falls about halfway down her back and her green eyes draw you right in. I try to say something but "Hey." is all I can mutter out at the moment. Her smile fades a bit as she notices my frightened tone. "What happened?" She try's to ask quietly but now everyone at the table is staring. "Oh it's nothing." I say trying to cover up as much of my tone of voice as possible. "Okay." she replies giving me a sad smile.

The rest of the school day goes by extremely slow and all I can think about is the figure in the hallway. As soon as the last bell rings I rush to my locker and grab my things. I reach into my bag to see if the glove is there. I feel it and suddenly I wish I had'nt because I didn't want to believe that there was someone watching me.

I step outside of the school doors and suddenly remember that I didn't drive this morning, Aidan did. I get my phone out and send him a quick text asking if he's going to take me home or not. I get a fast reply saying that he'll be outside within the next five minutes. I wait on the bench outside of the doors for a good ten minutes regretting the outfit I wore today. I was freezing cold but all I could think about were todays events. It probably was just someone trying to scare me, trying to get into my head. I push the thought to the side and continue waiting. Finally Aidan appears. "Are'nt you freezing to death out here? You could have just waited inside." He says. His cheeks are already starting to tint with pink and he starts to run his hands through his dark brown hair.

"Actually the thought never really occurred to me but I wish I would've." I say standing up and walking towards him. I grab his arm and start to pull him towards the truck. "Can we please go?" I ask practically begging him. "Fine," he replies while unlocking the door, "I have to stop quickly to get gas though because I don't think I'll be able to make it to your house and back."

Once we get to the gas station Aidan fills up the tank while I decide to go pay. As soon as I step into the cold Autumn air I automatically regret not bringing a proper jacket to keep me warm.

As soon as my teeth start to chatter and I rub my right arm with my left hand I hear a deep voice coming from behind me. I don't recognize the voice at all and when I turn around I'm even more surprised. I've never seen this boy before but I can't help but stare at his strong facial features. He has a strong jaw line, rosy cheeks, pink lips and emerald eyes all topped up with a mop of messy curly brown hair.

"Here." he says calmly as he gives me his jacket. "Thanks." Is all I can say because I'm utterly speechless. I realize that we're literally just standing here in the cold in front of a gas station and Aidan is probably still getting gas so I don't decide to move. He stares at me for a while longer then decides to introduce himself. "My name's Harry," he says while rubbing the back of his neck, "What's yours?"

"M-My names Ariah." I reply confused as to why he's even talking to me. "That's a lovely name." he says as he continues walking up to the door of the gas station. "Thanks." I give him a shy smile. "Anytime." he winks and then opens the door for me to go through. As we get inside I start to hand him back his jacket. Once he sees he declines it. "You keep it, you need it more than I do." he says. "How will I ever give it back to you?" I'm so confused at the moment as to why he would'nt want it back. Does he give jackets out normally?

"I feel like we'll meet again soon enough." and just like that he walks up to the counter to pay for his gas.

After I think a little more about what just happened I head over to the coolers and grab a water then I pay and walk out the doors. Aidan's waiting in the car and once I open the door the first thing he asks is who's jacket I'm wearing. "It's a friends. I just met up with them outside and I was cold so I asked for their jacket." I lie not wanting to tell him what really happened. "Oh okay, how will you give it back?" his face looks slightly concerned. It's almost as if he can tell when I'm lying. "I'll meet up with them later."


The next two days go by extremely slow with the only thoughts in my mind being about Harry. I have'nt seen him since Monday and I have no idea how to return his jacket since he did'nt give me his phone number or any other way to reach him. His jacket sits on the chair in front of my desk reminding me of that night. It's not even an item of significant importance and all he did was give me his jacket so I don't know why he keeps popping up in my mind. It's almost as if he has full control over my thoughts.

Since it's Thursday night and I have nothing better to do I decide to go for a drive. I grab my keys off my desk and head out of my room. "Mom I'm going to go for a drive, I should be back around eight." I check the time right now and its only six-thirty. "Okay." she yells from down the hall. I put on my favourite pair of black uggs and a heavier jacket. I head out the door and walk towards my car. From the corner of my eye I see a strange figure, I turn my head so fast the I hurt my neck a bit. I'm not very surprised to see no ones there. I live in an area that has many houses so I assume it was just a cat or a dog.

I hop into my car, turn up the heat and then backout of the driveway. I honestly have no idea where I'm going so I just drive. I end up at the local cafe, I don't really feel like going in but it's better than driving and not having a clue as to where you're going. I walk in through the front doors and head up to the line. In front of me I see a familiar boy. I'm positive it's Harry but before I can tell I hear someone calling my name from directly behind me.


A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying this story! If you still plan on reading this even though it only has two parts thank you so so much because it means so much to me!

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