Chapter Three

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I turn around to see Aidan. "Aidan what are you doing here?" I say astonished. "I was taking a drive and I saw you in walking in so I thought I'd say hi." I'm honestly kind of disappointed because I was really hoping to talk to Harry, well, if it is him in front of me. "Miss what would you like?" the lady from behind the counter asks. "Oh um, I'll get a small chai tea latte." I reply. I'm trying to look for Harry but I don't see him anywhere. After Aidan orders he walks over to me. "Are you okay? You look a little worried." he asks looking around the room. "Yeah I'm fine." I say while picking my drink up off the counter.

We both sit down at one of the tables in the corner of the room and have a bit of small talk, that is, until I see a boy with curly hair walking out of the door. I look at the time on my phone. It's only seven-fifteen but I decide to lie to Aidan once again. I don't like to lie but I feel like it's important and I don't want him to worry about me following some random guy. "Aidan I'm sorry but I really have to go." I say as I get up from the table. Before he can answer I'm basically out the door.

As I step into the cool air I see the boy walking down the street. I run to catch up to him and next thing in know I trip and I fall right on my face. The boy turns around and it's definitely not Harry. He has brown eyes and more of a rounded face. Honestly falling on my face was not worth it. "Oh my god are you okay?" he asks running towards me. "Yeah, I'm good." I reply as I brush the dirt off of my clothing. "Are you sure? You scraped your chin pretty bad." I bring my finger tips towards my chin and I feel warm liquid. I look at my hand to see how much blood is there. The blood is now dripping down my chin. The boy digs through his pocket looking for a tissue. Just has he pulls it out a black leather glove falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to notice so I don't point it out. I take the tissue and thank him but just before he starts to talk I ask him for his name. "It's Evan, whats yours?" he smiles brightly, he's acting almost too happy. "It's Ariah." is all reply back. "Well thanks for everything Evan." I say sounding not too sure of myself. "Yup, well I'll see you around." he smirks as he turns and walks away, then all of a sudden I feel a chill going down my spine.

Once he's out of sight I pick up the glove and stuff it in my pocket. I start walking back to my car but right as I turn the corner I hear a voice. It's the same voice that's been stuck in my head for the past three days. It's Harry. "I don't care what you have to do I want him gone!" he yells into a phone. I'm looking from around the corner praying that he can't see me. He looks outraged and I'm honestly way too scared to walk down the road. "Fine, just make sure you don't screw this up again." his voice calms down as he hangs up. He stays still for a moment, I look away and squeeze my eyes shut waiting for him to leave. I hear a car door open and close. As soon as I'm sure it's safe I open my eyes and turn around. Right as I turn I hit my face on something extremely hard. I look up and my face meets Harry's. "Oh hey Ariah, I thought you were someone else." he says apologetically looking at bit nervous. "Oh it's okay." I say backing up a bit, I really hope he didn't notice me standing there the whole time. "I really shou-" I start to say but I'm cut off. "Woah what happened to your chin?" his eyes widen and he stares. "I just fell but I'll be fine." I start to say. "But there's a lot of blood dripping. We should get you cleaned up." he grabs my wrist and walks me over to the gas station.

We walk into the family bathroom and he goes to the sink. He wets a paper towel and starts to dab my chin. Once its cleaned we walk out, but we get a few stares as we do so. I know exactly what everyone's thinking and I want to scream at the top of my lungs that nothing happened but I just stare at Harry. He has a smirk on his lips and he looks a bit too cocky. I can't help but find myself being attracted to him.

He walks me back to his car and I hesitate before getting in. "You know I drove myself here right?" I say. "Yeah but I just really feel like giving you a ride." He says jokingly. I can't tell if he's really going to drive me home or if this is all some big trick to get me to go to his place. "Plus you still have my jacket and I sort of want it back." He adds on. "Oh yeah." I forgot I still had it. I get into his car, give him my address and he starts to drive down the street. I guess I'll just pick up my car tomorrow after school.

He walks me up to my door and all I manage to say is "So what happens now?" "Well first, You let me take you out tomorrow. Then second you should get me my jacket because I'm honestly starting to freeze in this spring jacket of mine," He says and stares right into my eyes. "Oh yeah." I say, turn around and then run up the stairs. I grab his jacket and head back downstairs. "Here." I say. "Thanks, I'll pick you up around seven, be ready." He smirks, turns around and then walks back to his car.

I don't even try to hide the smile that's creeped onto my face.


The city bus finally comes and after a whole fifteen minutes of waiting in the freezing cold I could'nt be happier. I walk down the aisle to an empty seat in the middle of the bus. I really wish I had my car to drive me, I hate being around strangers. After we go to the last few stops no one sits beside me, at least until I see Evan walking right through the bus doors. I duck my head, not making any eye contact and hoping he won't be able to see me. Next thing I know he sits right next to me. I don't think he knows it's me and I plan on keeping it that way. I've had a strange feeling about him ever since he dropped his glove. Last night.

Evan glances over and there he sees me, he knows it's me. "Oh hey Ariah!" he cheerfully says. "It is Ariah right?" "Yeah it is." I give him a weak smile. "It's such a weird coincidence how we're seeing each other everywhere now, eh?" "Yeah. Strange." is all I can say because we're finally at the school. "Well bye Evan." I brush past him to get off the bus and give him a small wave.

The school day goes by somewhat slow but it was alright. I got quite a bit done. I finished the science project just in time and had nothing completely embarrassing happen. Well at least not yet.

Right when the bell rings I grab my stuff and get out of the school. I decide to walk down to get my truck because it's only about a ten minute walk. I make my way down the road while listening to music on my phone. As soon as I reach my car I pull out my keys and unlock the doors. I climb into the driver's seat and turn up the heat. I try warm up my hands in front of the heater and then I start to drive back to my house. I see my moms car in the driveway, she's home really early. "Mom." I call out as I step inside. There's no answer but I hear water running so I assume shes in the shower. I walk towards the fridge and take out the orange juice. I grab a glass and start to pour myself some but then I hear a knock at the door. I run over and quickly open it. "Hey, honey. I just quickly went out to grab the mail." she says while stepping into the house. "But mom, if you were out then w-whose in the bathroom?"

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