Chapter Four

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A/N: this chapter is going to be quite a bit longer than the others, enjoy x


"Hey, honey. I just quickly went out to grab the mail." she says while stepping into the house. "But mom, if you were out then w-whose in the bathroom?"

"What do you mean?" I can tell she's worried by the way her eyes widen as she speaks. Before I even try to answer I'm running up the stairs heading straight towards the bathroom. The door handles locked and won't budge. I try to kick the door like they do on television but I'm very uncoordinated and I hit the wrong parts of the door. I aim for the corner of the door and finally get it. "Oh my god!" I scream. The tub is overflowing and the water is almost at the doorway. I run to turn of the tap and try to drain the tub.

Whoever was in here must have left as soon as they heard us coming because the windows open and there's a trail of water left behind. Once my mom and I finish cleaning up the water I lift up the soaked foot mat and I see a note. I don't look at it yet because I really don't want my mom to see it so I just stuff it into my jean pocket. "Thanks for the help mom but I've got the rest." I say. "Are you sure?" She starts to stand up slowly. "Yeah it should be fine now." I reply. "We really need to get an alarm system. I hope whoever broke in didn't steal anything." She says as she walks out of the room to make sure everything valuable is still here. I put the mat the tub so I can pick it up after I finish wiping up the water left behind. I reach into the tub and grab the mat and then I head down towards my room.

For some reason my bedroom door is closed, I never close it when I'm not home. I open the door and I'm astonished. Someone was definitely in here because my papers are scattered all over my desk and my bed is a mess. I stand there in shock for a few more seconds and then run towards my desk immediately checking the top drawer that is always locked. I put the glove in this drawer as soon as I got home on the day that I saw that person in the hallway. It's gone. The drawer is unlocked and it's gone. "What would someone want with a glove?" I whisper to myself as I lock the drawer back up. All this trouble for one glove is a bit too much isn't it? I mean there's thousands of gloves just like that one.

I check the pocket of the jacket I wore yesterday. Evan's glove is still there. I let out a sigh of relief that Evan's glove was just a coincidence but it still does'nt calm me at all. Just knowing that there's someone who broke into my house and who's watching me is terrifying.


It's been about two hours since someone broke in so it's six now and Harry said he's coming at seven, I should probably get ready. I have no idea what we're doing so I just put my hair in its normal ponytail and throw on some skinny jeans and a light grey sweater. I then go to the bathroom and look at my appearance. I curl my eyelashes and put on new mascara to make my eyes look better. I don't really have the best eyes, they look hazel but apparently they're just plain brown. I guess they're okay since I get compliments on them but I've always wanted either a bright blue or a green eye colour but I guess that won't ever happen.My heart immediately starts to pound as I hear the doorbell ring. I look over at the clock and its 6:58pm so I assume it's Harry.

I hear my mom opening the door followed my some greetings. I press my ear up against the bathroom door assuming I can hear better. The sounds are a bit muffles but I can still clearly tell what they're saying. "Oh hello, who exactly are you?" I hear my mom say. "I'm Harry, a friend of Ariah's. I was hoping to take her out tonight." I can already hear the smile in his voice as he speaks. "Well it's very nice to meet you Harry. Come on in, I'll go get Ariah." I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and then a knock at the bathroom door. "Yes mom." I'm trying to contain all the emotions I'm feeling but I barely can. "Ariah there's a very lovely boy waiting for you downstairs and if you don't come out soon I'm afraid I'll have to go with him." she says jokingly. "I'll be right out." "Okay." I hear her footsteps fade away and then I walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs.

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