29 I Don't Trust You

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+Liam's POV+

"We are going with them! End of story!" I announce. Raleigh stares at me with shock and annoyance.

"You can but I sure as hell am not! They killed Trevor! And everyone that was in that squad that you sent to protect me!" She yells at me and I get her point, I really do, but she'll be a lot safer and happier once she gets there. But I can't risk the knowledge of who he is to get out to everyone. Then my mother won't be the worst person to come after all of us. There are many people who want him dead and will stop at nothing to make sure it happens.

      "I agree with Raleigh. This is stupid, man." Ethan tells me and I glare at him.

      "Dude, I figured it out!"

      "Figured what out?"

      "Where they are! Who he is! I figured it all out! He's the boss they are talking about!" I try to tell Ethan but he's not listening, just shaking his head, not believing a word I say.

      "Liam, I am not going anywhere with them! Plus I'm not leaving Tillie!"

"Ethan, she's fine!"

"You don't know that! She could be dead!"

"Then why are we worrying about leaving her?! It's not like we can take a dead body with us!" I yell and everyone stares at me in shock.

"H-Wh-How could you even think about saying something like that?" Raleigh asks me, her voice shaking.

      "Because we are in survival mode right now! We have to survive! Sometimes survival involves saying things that are a logical point! We can't afford to think like we are just magically going to live through all of this fucking mess! Because chances are, we will fucking die!"

      "What's the point of surviving when people you care about are dead?! What's there to live for when no one is left?!"

      "That they died so you could live!"

      "Or maybe you left someone behind so your scared ass could run!" Raleigh yells at me and I won't lie; her words kinda hurt. I always like to think of myself as brave, not scared.

      "Let's get something fucking straight, I have never ran because I was scared for my own life." I tell her, getting close and she glares at me with a scoff.

      "Yeah right. Because you care so much about other people!"

"ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?! I wasn't the one who just fucking disappeared and everyone thought I was kidnapped by the most insane woman on this fucking planet! I wasn't the one who didn't shoot a bullet to protect myself and other people! And I sure as fuck wasn't the one who knew that everyone was fucking kidnapped but still walked away outside and what did that do?! GET MORE FUCKING PEOPLE KILLED!"

"Are you serious?! You are fucking blaming me for everyone's deaths?! What have you been doing, huh? You knew I was missing and what did you do? YOU DECIDE THAT IT WOULD BE BEST IF YOU JUST TURNED YOURSELF IN! And you want to talk about other people's deaths?! WHAT ABOUT THAT DUDE YOU WERE WITH IN THE CABIN?! OR MAYBE YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT ALIZA?!"

      "'Aliza'? Who's that?" Ethan asks but it's after a slight moment of hesitation and I can tell Raleigh picked up on it too.

"Why don't you ask Liam?" Raleigh spits out. I can tell she's pissed and she has every right to be. She knew I never was going to tell her about Aliza. Or about any of this. I never wanted her to be pulled into the fucking mess but here she is.

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