54 Sounds Beachy

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                ~Raleigh's POV~

Two Years Later

"Wow! It's beautiful!" Zoey exclaims as she and Randy walk through Liam and I's newly finished house. We weren't expecting it to take this long but there were some...hurdles that we had to jump over in order to achieve our dream. During the two or so years of our house being built, Liam and I rented a small cabin at one of the campsites a few roads over.

       "Thank you." I tell her as I lead her through our dream house with Liam and Randy following behind us.

       "So this is our room." Liam says as we walk into the master bedroom.

       "Clearly, I'm not dumb." Zoey mutters to him, rolling her eyes.

I take Liam's hand and hold it as I look around our room where we are going to wake up next to each other for the rest of our life. Our black and white comforter and pillows in their perfect place with two for each of us and each of our wooden nightstands organized. I only have my lamp with my charger and a coaster for my water. I keep my book for the night on the bottom shelf.

      Liam's on the hand is less simple. He has a matching lap and his phone charger like I do but he has his books for studying on top and on the bottom but not nearly. His books for school pour all over the place along with his notebooks for notes.

"What's up with all these books?" Randy asks nodding towards Liam's mess.

"You didn't tell them?!" I yell at him, shocked.

      "Not yet." Liam mumbles rubbing the back of his neck.

      "Liam is studying to be a physician's assistant. So school got five years, which isn't bad."

    "Congrats!" Zoey and Randy exclaim at the same time.

     "Thanks, guys." Liam mutters, rubbing the back of his neck and trying to hide his blushed cheeks.

     "Are you going to university too?" Randy asks me and I sigh.

      "I haven't decided. Obviously I want a job but everything in our lives have just...been thrown in a pot and set on fire. I don't want to start college and realize that I don't want to do any of that anymore. I don't even know what I like or where to start. Plus Liam is going now so as I try to figure out what I want to do, he can purse his dreams. Not to mention I am the daughter of Ryder Lang, I'm sure I could get a side job." I explain to them and I feel Liam wrap an arm around my waist for comfort.

       "Anyway, enough about us...what's going on with you two?" I ask, changing the subject.

      "Well, your brother proposed to me before we left! Look at this ring!" Zoey squeals, showing me the purple, black and silver diamond ring on her left ring finger. The Diamond was purple and had a oval cut with a black and silver line intertwining for the band.

      "Wow! Congrats! When did he do that? When's the wedding?" I ask her, excited.

"Well...we took a trip to Bora Bora a few weeks ago, remember? Anyways he told me to get ready for dinner so I did; I got dressed up in a cute little light purple dress and I did my makeup and my hair, right? Anyways, we went to the back of our little house at the resort that was away from all the others. However it was decorated with rose petals and a few candles that led me to a walkway that leads out to the beach and BAM! There was a blanket, champagne and little sandwiches! Then PROPOSAL! He had a whole speech but you know how I am with words...I started kissing him and I quickly stripped, pushing him into the water to have some hot beach sex." Zoey explains with enthusiasm and I look over at my brother who's looking down, embarrassed.

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