Chapter 30

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Hey guys!! So sorry for the short chapter like I said I finished this last week and have been really busy so I couldn't write more. I'm posting this while doing my iready cause I know I won't have time to post it any other day.

Reapers pov (yay something new for once)




"Owww what was that for?!" I rubbed my cheek with my hand "you were lost in thought dude you sure you're ok?" Killer said somehow looking worried "hmm? Yeah I'm fine just remembering stuff from a long time ago" I replied with a chuckle "well Dream suggested we play truth or dare and since we have nothing better to do we agreed you wanna play?" Killer asked "is Geno playing?" I asked looking at Geno before looking back at him "yeah she said she was bored" killer replied
"Alright then I'll play" I waked with him to the circle the others already made and sat between nightmare and killer "Ok who wants to start?" Dream asked looking around "I'll start dream dear" lust said wait lust? Since when did She get here? Probably when I was spaced out or something.. "Horror truth or dare?" She asked "Dare! I'm not a chicken!" Horror said looking really confident "thanks for the idea hun~ ink can you make a chicken costume for horror to wear?" Lust looked at ink "sure thing!" And before I knew it a chicken costume was in lust hands "thanks ink" "no problem" "here you go horror your dare is to wear this costume for a hour" lust handed the costume to horror and he put it over his pijamas that say "killer crew" and boy did he look ridiculous! "Haha! Horror why don't you do the chicken dance for us?" I asked him "*FUNK* NO!" Horror said angrily not realizing fresh censored him. This is going to be a crazy night

Ok that's all I had, im trying to post this as fast as I can so I don't get in trouble.

I couldn't draw something digitally so have some traditional art sorry if it's bad it's been a while since I used my markers

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I couldn't draw something digitally so have some traditional art sorry if it's bad it's been a while since I used my markers

Also I came upon this picture and was like "ok these are going to be horror,dust's, and killers pjs" credit to whoever made it!! Also I just love dust's face he looks so annoyed

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Also I came upon this picture and was like "ok these are going to be horror,dust's, and killers pjs" credit to whoever made it!! Also I just love dust's face he looks so annoyed

Bye humans!!(Even if your not)

He's mine and only mine~ (yandere blueberry x dust)(complete) Where stories live. Discover now