Chapter 46

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Hello humans! Here's this weeks chapter! I don't have any announcements so just enjoy the chapter!

Dust's POV

"I'm so bored!!" I looked killer dead in the eyes "say that one more time and I will not hesitate to kick you out of the apartment for the day" So to fill you readers i- (OH MY TOBY FOX!! WE WERE DOING SO GOOD!!!) Like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by the author, Killer is bored and has been annoying me for the past 15 minutes by saying and I quote "I'm bored". "What can I do though?" Killer said flopping onto the couch "I don't know?! Why don't you annoy your girlfriend instead of me?!" I swear I want to choke him with my bare hands "She's busy playing monopoly with Nightmare" I sigh, there goes that idea.."Can we record a animal documentary?" I was confused for a few seconds before Nodding my head "Sure why not?" I stood up and started to walk to the staircase "Where you going?" I turned around to look at him "To change duh" I continued my way to my room and changed into some clothes I got last year when we were doing a documentary for Science "Ok I'm ready" I walked downstairs and see killer holding his phone "Ok now what should we document?" I looked around thinking...."Hmmm wanna go to horrors house and document him?" I asked "Heck yeah!" So we did. We walked to horrors house cause it was pretty close to our apartment "Ok start recording" I walked a few feet in front of killer and faced him "And go!" "Ello and welcome to Dust documents! Today we'll be Documenting a very rare species, Luckily the one we'll be seeing today isn't in a hostile mood....I hope.." I whispered the last part and started to walk to the door of horrors house "Now we must be carful Cause two more creatures live in this habitat...The Elusive Fluffy Oreo, This creature lives in snowy areas and is difficult to find as it blends in the snow, it is rumored that This is the last one of its kind" before I knocked the door I forgot I also had to say fell lives here "But the creature we have to be weary of is Fell a very angry creature, He has a gold tooth and doesn't have a temper, What makes him so dangerous is that he can blow whenever so we have to be very cautious of him" I knocked on the door and waited "Coming!!" I turned back to killer "Looks like luck is on our side today and The fluffy Oreo is going to answer the door" as I finished the sentence the door opened "Hi dust! Oh you two killer! Wait...Are you filming another Documentary?" I get again looked at killer "This creature is also known to be tremendously smart now let's get on with looking for the rare Horror" Cross held in his laugh and let both killer and I in "Horror is in the living room" I turned to cross and bowed "Thank you for your assistance Fluffy Oreo we shall be on our way, come now killer" we walked to the living room and saw horror sitting on the couch "Here we have a wild Horror relaxing on a couch seems as he's happy so I don't think he'll attack let's say Hello shall we?" I carefully walked to where horror was "Hello there Horror we come in peace please don't attack us" I swear I've never seen him so scared before "W-what wh- Dust?...You're doing a documentary aren't you?" "Woah it seems as This rare creature is smarter then scientists have thought! we much continue our research" "This is so stupid.....I'm in!" This is going to be so much fun "Your so stupid" I looked at paps and frowned a little "You could be killing monsters but instead you're wasting your time doing this stupid video" I looked down already wanting to go home "Hey you ok?" I looked at killer not feeling like doing the video anymore "yeah, I don't wanna continue the video...." I felt  nothing why don't I feel anything? "Let's go kill some monster brother~" I shiver feeling paps voice near my ear "You don't look Ok Dust what's wrong" I didn't want to look at horror I didn't want him to see the small bit of magic I felt flaring up "I-I'm gonna go back to our apartment Alright killer? You can stay with horror if you want.." i walked towards the front door and walked outside "Come on brother there's some monsters near by~" I shake my head and Teleported to my room "What are you doing? You're supposed to be outside!!" I sat on my bed and held my head in my hand "I'm gonna take a nap.." I laid down and closed my eyes.

Lust's POV

Me and horror have been on two dates since the sleepover and they were really fun! We've gone to the movies and to a restaurant.

Oh that must be horror!

Horrorgame: Hey Lust how are you?

Flirtybae030: I'm Good what about you?

Horrorgame: I'm Fine just bored, So what are you doing?

Flirtybae030: Well Im just watching some makeup videos

Horrorgame: Of course you are...Anything interesting happen lately?

Flirtbae030: Hmmmm I don't think so..

Flirtybae030: Oh yeah! Sci and I made this cool color changing cake!

Horrorgame: Cool

Horrorgame: wannaubsubsinsnisnin

Flirtybae030: Umm horror?

Flirtybae030: Horror?

Flirtybae030: hello?

Flirtybae030: Did you drop your phone under the couch again?

Horrorgame: sorry Dust and killer surprised me They we're doing a documentary but Dust left after a few minutes don't know why..

Flirtybae030: Oh ok well I'm going to eat lunch ttyl!! ❤️

Horrorgame: alright bye

I put my phone down and walked to the kitchen and Got my salid out of the fridge "SCI?!" I waited for the respond "YEAH?!" "YOU HUNGRY?!" "NO I ALREADY ATE A FEW MINUTES AGO!" "ALRIGHT JUST CHECKING!" I put my plate on the table and began to eat.

That's all I have hope it was ok

Here's a drawing of Chara I did yesterday

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Here's a drawing of Chara I did yesterday. If you read my art book you've already seen this

Bye humans!!(Even if your not!!)

He's mine and only mine~ (yandere blueberry x dust)(complete) Where stories live. Discover now