Part 9: Lethine

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"What?" he asked gruffly.

Mordicelli looked up. "Can I come in?"

Brourferlug shuffled out of the way, and Mordicelli stepped into the tight hallway.

"What do you want?" Brourferlug asked again.

"I need your help."

Brourferlug laughed, "After all this time, you dare come into my house asking for my help? No, I'm done helping you. You know what happened the last time."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But this is bigger than a few fines. This is a real problem, that could result in the destruction of Otthocia, if not the world."

Brourferlug chuckled quietly. "That's what you said the last time."

"This time is different," Mordicelli took a deep breath "Seobaak has Lethine."

Brourferlug froze. "That's impossible. I thought you had it."

"I gave it to the elves, they promised to keep it safe." Mordicelli told Brourferlug the bits of gossip he had overheard.

"It was just a rumor? Don't you think you're overreacting just a little? You of all people should know not to trust rumors."

"How would they know that the elves had the potion?"

Brourferlug was unconvinced.

"Look, I don't know if it's true or not, but don't you think we should at least go to the elf kingdom to make sure?"

"I don't want to get caught up in another one of your little adventures, Mordicelli. You can go check up on your little potion, I'll be here when you realize you're overreacting. I'm sure the potion is safe with the elves."

"What if it's not? We can't just let something like this slide. The elf city is only a few miles away, what's the harm in coming with me?"

"Why do you even want me with you?"

"You know what the elves think of me."

Brourferlug smirked. He remembered a few years ago when Mordicelli had nearly been arrested by the high Elf himself for selling several a "magic amulets" for over 1000 dreoruna, the elven currency. Of course, the amulet had been the common crolic flower preserved in amber, but the poor young lady hadn't known that.

"Fine. I'll come with you, but only because I want to see you proven wrong for once."

Mordicelli nodded twice, then turned towards the door. "We should leave at once, and aim to arrive by nightfall. Do you have horses?"

"Why would I have horses?"

"We'll have to go on foot, then."

Brourferlug paused. "Fine. Let me get some food and money"

Brourferlug disappeared into the kitchen and came back several minutes later with two bulging sacks filled with apples, bread, water, and cheese.

 He also grabbed 100 dreoruna, 100 madke (the battlebrook currency), and 10 Ussar (the Steelmoor currency). He piled everything into the hallway, and watched as Mordicelli took inventory.

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