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1.04 phantom traveller
The wooden box sat in front of her, staring, looking, taunting her.
She laid on the uncomfortable mattress, feeling the itchy comforter scratching the backs of her legs. All she could see was the moonlight shining onto the box, another damned thing that would and can disrupt her sleep.
She hadn't dared opening it, since finding it in her parents room that night. But she felt this unnerving curiosity dancing in her mind, making her body squirm.
She stood up, cringing at the feeling of her bare feet touching the cold floor, her legs also felt a cold breeze, pushing her closer to the wooden box. And walked towards the bathroom, hoping refreshing her face would stop the lingering thoughts.
She turned on the light and was now immediately stared at by her reflection. The bruises on her face darkened, she noticed. Aledis lifted her shirt and checked on the stitched up cut on her stomach, she used fishing line, as she felt uncomfortable using dental care on wounds.
"Menuda paliza." She groggily murmured, as it was 3am.
Now uncomfortable by her own reflection, she sighed and turned into the dark room, stretching her arms up and exposing her lower stomach to the cold air. She snatched the liquor from the desk and grabbed the chair, turning it so she straddled it but faced the box.
Taking a swig of the whisky, she sighed and removed her necklace. From the necklace she grabbed the key and unlocked the box. Her fingers tingled at the thought of what the hell would be in there. She could only assume it would be some sort of average family heirloom but something inside her thought that maybe not.
Breathing heavily, she lifted the box. And was confused at what she was looking at. A bow and arrow.
Cup of coffee in hand, she walked down the street, her leather jacket proving to be suffocating under the sun. It wasn't even an overbearing day but the research she had previously done still wavered in her mind, making her overthink.
She thought she was hallucinating when she saw the familiar black car gleaming back at her, but it was confirmed to be their's when she saw her favourite Winchester perched up against it.
"Sam?" She questioned, approaching the boy.
"Aledis! Hey, what are you doing here?" He greeted, a big smile plastered onto his face, as he turned fully to her.
"Research up in the library." She vaguely answered. "And you?"
"We've got a case. Hey, you should totally help us." He offered.