11. Conflict

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Edge is coming up in a bit. Prepare. Kids are dramatic. They're stupid. Literally no brain cells. I know I'm updating quick but I have nearly a dozen chapters are written which is really a roll for me (until I get stuck in writers block and abandon this for a year)

"WILL THAT BE all for today?"

"Um, yes!"

(Y/n) folded up the packet of sheets, then quickly placed them in a small backpack on her back, and it wrinkled in her grasp.

The weekend was bringing cloudy seasons, and Spring was coming to an end. It sprinkled lightly, but it would probably get stronger soon, and (Y/n) straightened up her snapback with a logo from (favorite/show). A much shorter, frail woman walked beside her, holding a (f/c) windbreaker over her head.

"The news said it wasn't gonna rain today. I can't believe this."

So far, (Y/n) had made excellent progress in learning how to drive. Her next appointment would be sometime during the summer, and would likely determine whether she'd be getting her license or not.

Her (shoe/type)s slapped against the wet concrete, now a few more centimeters thick with water. At this point, she wouldn't be surprised if there was a flash flood, but it would've been nice to know before she had to sacrifice her (color/choice) windbreaker, jumper, (shoe/type), and pretty much everything on her. Her grandma still complained even though she used the windbreaker as a shield.

"I thought I asked you to throw this ugly jacket out months ago."

"I guess I just forgot," she replied as calmly as she could.

They waited at the crosswalk for the light to turn white and let them know they could cross. The rain was starting to get stronger, and along with it, puddles of deep water that made the streets look more like a lake. She was surprised there weren't any fish swimming in it yet.

"Don't use that tone with me."

The light turned white with the little person.

"Come on, let's go (Y/n)."

When she stepped of the concrete sidewalk, the wager soaked throw her shoes and over her socks. It was a horrible feeling, and she clenched her teeth with an eye roll.

Something caught her attention when she did that small action. A bush of ruffled, raven hair and an indigo cardigan, crossing the other side of the street where he shouldn't have. The blaring horn beside him roared out, and time seemed to slow down for a moment.

A restraining order.

Secret from mother.

Red lights right before he died.

It was like it was happening all over again.

• • •

When Tamaki got up that day, he was very conflicted. Why, one might ask?

Simply put, he had a wet dream. He could only recall very faint blotches. A bar in navy with hot pink lights flashing about. Squeezing someone's thigh. Kissing. Very intense kissing. Skin.

A lot of skin.

Okay, too much skin.

He cringed remembering it, and took a guilty shower. The worst part was that he knew who it was, but forgot after he took a shower that morning. It was starting to drive him insane.

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