06. Lullaby Gumdrop

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EVEN THOUGH IT was her second time in his room, it was a new room, thus a new wave of anxiety that made his palms a little clammy. Tamaki sat across from (Y/n), both on the carpet. (Y/n) had chosen to sit there so he ended up slipping down there too. He fidgeted with his hands.

"So uh," (Y/n) clicked her tongue, nodding a bit. "Let's, like, talk it out."

He didn't know how to start, which she must've sensed. His face was burning up a bit.

"I'm not gonna interrogate you and be like, oh what do you like about me or whatever cuz I'm not here to pressure you into answering whatever bullcrap I come up with," she shrugged, then exhaled. "But, I do wanna start off by apologizing, for the way I handled your confession. I was scared, so I just left, which was really awful of me and I won't do it again. I had no idea what to say, which is unfair to you when you stayed in the situation. I've always admired your bravery, and it's obvious I'm-"

She cut herself off,"So yeah. From the bottom of my heart. That was messed up."

He waved a hand around, trying to calm her down as she offered a light bow. When it was reverse, he was seeking it out, in a way, so he was better prepared for it either way. But he just dumped that on her. He couldn't blame her. "No no, I understand. It was a spur of the moment, it just happened without thinking. I'm... not sure what's going on in your head, but I'm sure you had a reason. You're always so th-thoughtful, so, I know you didn't mean to hurt me."

"But I did," she protested.

"But you apologized," he countered, not giving her a chance. "And I think you mean it. And that... means... a-a lot to m-me, so..."

Had the carpet always been so soft? Hm, he wondered that as he ran his fingers on the carpet, too afraid to look at her. He did though, despite his better judgement. Panic coursed through his veins at her gleaming, most (e/c) hues. Was she gonna cry? Crap, he really didn't mean for that!

"P-Please don't cry," he pleaded, now freaked out.

"I'm not gonna cry! I'm not a baby," she crossed her arms huffing, though her face was burning up several shades of red.

"A-Anyway, moving onto, like, the present," (Y/n) cleared her throat, and shifted so she was sitting criss cross apple sauce. "Uh... I ditched because, um, I didn't know what to say. More truthfully, I didn't know to do. I don't know if you actually wanted to do something, but it just frightened me. Because I'm not really... sure... how to... um... your... ahhhh..."

"You're not sure how to accept my love?" he blurted out, but blushed profusely at something so weird. "I-I-I mean, I'm sure it's not that, and, love is a little extreme, s-so, um, f-feelings is more accurate. Yeah."

Wow, they were both a mess at the moment. Hooray for unity.

"No, I think that's it," (Y/n) confessed. "I mean, I'm sure you don't, like love me, s-so-Oh, yeah, um, I don't actually think you, um, um, uhhh, have, um, ffffffff-"

She'd covered her face with her hands, but that couldn't hide how much she was burning and sweating a little, Tamaki actually realized just how much her heart was straining. It wasn't just him, there were two people on this boat. He had to keep in mind he wasn't the only one who would drown if it sunk.

"You can take your time explaining," he insisted. "You guys always do for me, so."

"Y-Yeah," she said through her covered mouth. "I said I wouldn't interrogate you, but I really need to know... What makes you think you like me?"

Tamaki froze. So that's what she wanted to say. His feet wiggled as he looked down, unsure what to say. "I'm-I'm not an idiot, I'm just thinking."

"I know you're not an idiot," (Y/n) laughed, retreating from her hand made cover and adjusting the jumper on herself, she must've been desperate to find something to do rather than just sit still. She frowned. "I'm just... It's probably infatuation or something, since you're probably feeling relieved someone has feeling for you. I-I wouldn't be surprised if you can't actually think of anything, you're probably unintentionally this way because of my confession from a while back. That must be what's going on with you, so-"

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