31. Congratulations

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"YOU HAVE TO steer right."

"I'm waiting for the right timing."

"They're gonna catch up on you."

"ThEy'Re gOnNa cAtCh-Man I just got a banana power up and I'm in first place, they're nowhere near me, Tamaki. You gotta learn to relax, man."

A triple set of eyes watched (Y/n) and Tamaki, the former chewing a stick of licorice between her teeth with a concentrated look on her face, and the latter observing her play, occasionally looking at her face fondly. The pair were sitting quite close, being almost shoulder-to-shoulder together.

(Y/n) was crossing and uncrossing her legs every other minute. Mirio knew what that meant. Hado knew what that meant. Yuyu knew what that meant. Everyone in the cafeteria and their grandmother knew what that meant.

"You guys are dating," Hado finally blurted, vibrating with a dying curiosity to know.

Tamaki sputtered, flushing, and (Y/n) looked like she didn't even hear them as she held her thumb down on the right side of her screen.

"Hado, have some respect," Yuyu lectured.

"You wanna know too!" Hado defended herself.

"Hado, what gives you that idea?" Tamaki looked away, sitting in another direction, his back towards (Y/n)'s right shoulder.

"Ahem, if I may interject," Mirio cleared his throat. "(Y/n) had been with you all day, you two keep making heart eyes at each other, you're sitting very close, and Tamaki's being more open than usual."

Tamaki jolted at being called out, stammering as he looked away. "W-W-Well, um-"

"Yeah, we're gonna married when I graduate," (Y/n) giggled as she leaned back against Tamaki's back, eyes still on her screen, and Tamaki shivered.

"(Y-Y/n)!" he protested, blushing profusely and trying to hide his face. But he didn't argue against the physical contact, implying he actually liked it. Though maybe not in public, based on how flustered he was.

"Oh, I stayed in first place the entire two rounds!" she cheered, her screen lighting up to show her on the top of the charts out of nine other players.

"Congratulations! When's the wedding?" Mirio clapped.

"How many levels did you boost up? Congrats!" Yuyu clapped.

"What kind of food will we celebrate with? For either occasion?" Hado clapped, but was kind of serious.

"Hey, choose one topic to focus on," Tamaki frowned. He put a hand on his forehead in a vain attempt to cool his face down. If (Y/n) wasn't using him as support, he'd probably be against a wall right now.

It made him so nervous, being so close to her. They were together. Was he supposed to get her a pillow? Some roses, or chocolates? Would she even like that sort of thing? Was he doing this right? He was pretty sure he was shaking.

"We're just messing with you guys," assured Hado, taking a bite of her eggs and rice.

"Here," Yuyu poured soy sauce on it.

"Oh, thanks!"

Tamaki deadpanned at the hypocrisy of these two sparkling girls. The audacity was unbelievable. Still, he just frowned at them.

"Oh, Tamaki! I got a new character," (Y/n) told him with a smile.

"Who'd you get?"

"Yoshi! Didn't you wanna play as him too?"


"Here, you can play," she passed her phone to him, and he blinked, but slowly took it.

"Thank you," he mumbled.

The two of them just being by each other, playing around on Mario Kart was very telling. (Y/n), for as long as Mirio knew her, never let anyone use her phone and freaked out if someone took it from her, but gave it to Tamaki with ease. Likewise, Tamaki himself was not one for physical contact, yet didn't seem to mind letting (Y/n) do as she pleased. Quite obviously any affection she gave was toned down as to keep him from exploding any more than he already was.

"Hey, give me some of your rice and eggs," asked Mirio.

"Sure," Hado slid it to him as she talked with Yuyu.

They were growing up, that much was clear. Mirio didn't mind, as part of U.A's Big Three becoming a bit more adult was required. He hoped that being an adult didn't mean discarding this aspect of their lives though, where they messed around and played games and made fun of each other.

"Hey, by the way, isn't the work study next week?" asked Yuyu.

"Oh yeah! I'm introducing a kid from 1-A to the Sir, so I'm looking forward to that!" Mirio chirped.

"Oh, who?" asked (Y/n), interested with the mention of 1-A. She was still sitting close to Tamaki, it was his turn to be engrossed in the mystical world of Mario Kart with his furrowed eyebrows as he stared at the little screen.

They chatted some during lunch, since it was a Friday they were pretty relaxed. It was finally time to take it easy before that calm before the storm.

Yuyu munched on her own lunch, before freezing. "Wait a sec, don't just ignore this! When did you guys get together?!"

"The other day," (Y/n) was now focused on the screen Tamaki was racing ontoo, but put her attention to Yuyu. It was probably in an effort not to make Tamaki nervous.

"Wow, that was recently!" Yuyu pointed out.

"Have you two kissed yet?" Hado was blunt.

What Tamaki produced in embarrassment, (Y/n) made up for in casualness. She acted much calmer compared to him, who was gone to a lean against a wall in desperate need of a break.

"Nah, I don't wanna pressure him or anything," she waved her hand. "I don't mind being slow, as long as he's at ar comfortable...pace."

There seemed to be a shift in (Y/n)'s expression. And then she herself turned red, the nerves of being questioned about their relationship finally setting in like a normal person.


So naturally, Hado and Mirio used this chance to tease (Y/n) as much as possible. In the end, (Y/n) had accompanied Tamaki in a quiet corner to escape the harassment of her upperclassmen.

I was worried about how they'd be after realizing their feelings. Mirio munched on rice. But it looks like it's all worked out. No matter what happens, I'm sure they'll do great things together.

He licked soy sauce off the corner of his mouth and saw (Y/n) pat Tamaki's back consolingly with a smile. He laughed.

Suneater and Limelight. They'll be a force to be reckoned with for sure.

If you're from the future ignore but Gonna publish the remainder of this story pretty quick ahhh just ahhhh. Also I have a spontaneous obsession with Fatgum love the guy SO MUCH AHHHH Might just have to make a story for him

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