21. Change

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Okay. These next 3 chaps were written like more than a month ago and like two main things that happen aren't v original..... Was very tired. Anyways. Times later r rough estimates I cannot count and I do not eat. I simply photosynthesize. And the book mentioned at the end is Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.

"IS ANYONE SITTING here?" (Y/n) pulled up next to Mirio, who was waiting for his friends and currently sitting alone at a table.

Mirio looked up at her, then crossed his hands with a bit of a grin. "Hmm, yeah, it's reserved for one of my best friends in the whole wide world."

Ah. "Oh.. Kay," she slouched and began to walk away, drooping and gloomy.

Mirio rose an eyebrow, smiling nervously. "You know I mean you, right, (N/n)-Chan?"

Immediately, (Y/n) beamed and began sheepishly skipping back to the table.

Mirio laughed, patting her back as she sat down in the chair next to him. "You're so silly," he poked her face gingerly, obviously amused.

She blushed a bit, not wanting to admit how, occasionally, she could be a little dimwitted, but it was more offensive when an upperclassman said it to her, especially in such a teasing manner.

"If you want me to die, you can just say so, you know," she pouted.

Mirio just laughed. "Don't be dramatic! It's true."

(Y/n) put her head on the table, face down and depressed. "That you want me dead, I'm one of your best friends or that I'm silly? Just a clown? Just a big ol' fool?"

He clicked his tongue and scratched the back of his neck. "Is it still bad if I say the last two out of three?"

(Y/n) didn't react when she felt a slam against the table.

"My friends!" cheered Hado, putting down her tray of food, Tamaki beside her. He put his tray down too, but somehow in a more depressing way.

He seemed to take note of the miserable aura looming over his kouhai. "Uh. . . (Y/n)-(Y/n)-Chan?" Tamaki said quietly, tempted to poke her with a stick to check for life.

"(Y/n)-Chan?" echoed Hado and Mirio, but they looked at him while saying it. Something told him it wasn't for her, but for him, and it gave the ravenett a bad vibe.

"Wh-What?" he stammered, confused.

"You're on first name basis now!" pointed out Hado.

"Before, it was always just (L/n)-Chan, (L/n)-Chan, (L/n)-Chan. That's great! I means you guys are better friends now!" Mirio declared.

"It's not a big deal," grumbled (Y/n), still face down and brain-dead. Tamaki couldn't tell if she was genuinely annoyed or embarrassed about it too, because he sure was.

"Yeah, seriously," Tamaki looked to the side as he scratched his face, which got hotter and hotter by the second.

"Hmmmm," Hado narrowed her eyes suspiciously, then quickly dropped it. "Kay Kay! Moving on! Did you guys hear about the summer festival they're gonna perform here in Musutafu?"

"Festival? Here?" Mirio and Tamaki's attention was quickly grabbed by the topic, and even (Y/n) turned her head.

"Mhm! I saw a flyer for it when I was shopping with Yuyu yesterday, but um, I kind of forgot what it was about," Hado laughed bashfully. "But it seemed fun! I'm definitely gonna go!"

"When is it?" asked Mirio as he started to eat his lunch.

"Sometime early in the night, I took a picture! I don't have my phone with me now though, but I remember some things!" she smiled. "There'll be booths, food, sports-wait, no, I mean competitions!"

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