The Aftermath

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Part 1


It was dark, I see flashes of light in front of me. I hear strollers, folding doors, and people's moans. The light descends in front of me. Figures surrounding me; putting something on my chest. Needles... I'm in a hospital. The sound of a heart-rate monitor going off.

Hearing doctors complaining; very faint. Too tired to know this situation, should just go back into slumber.

'Charging 3, 2, 1...'

I open my eyes wide open. Fully awake, yet still in pain. So, it is true, I'm in the hospital. I have an IV tube inserted in. The heart-rate monitor; my pulse, 'looks' normal? It's still all a haze. I can hear banging and screams coming from the other side of my door; what the hell is going on out there?

I remove the needle from my arm and try to get up. My body still aches from the 'incident'. I bet the others brought me here. Slowly, I walk to the door and take a quick peek outside.

I was in shock to what I see. Doctors and Nurses scattering with medicine, equipment, and a lot of injured people. The injured were all covered in ash and dust, blood coming out of them. Some minor, and so many lethal. The cries and moans echo the ER. Patients bump and fumble to me; I give them a helping hand even if I'm a patient myself. I help them find a place to rest, but I start to lose my balance; a nurse notices me and rushes to my aid.

The nurse guides me back to my room, places me back on my bed and inserts the IV tube into my system.

"What were you thinking?! In your condition, you shouldn't even be able to stand." The nurse exclaims at me.

"Yeah~. What's going on? What's with all those people out there?"

She checks my eyes, pulses the whole rundown procedure.

"That isn't the half of it. 'Stars falling out of the sky', what else could top that?"

She grabs my bio and runs through it to me.

"Noah Casimiro, age 16. Occupation: student. Father: Ben Casimiro, Occupation: Chief Researcher of Wright Industries. Luna Casimiro: Sister. Occupation: Student... now tell me, is this info on you correct?"

"Yeah... yeah, it's correct. Why ask me this?"

"Just checking if you have memory loss. The cut on the back of your neck was deep, doctors say it'll be impossible for you to move at all. You're lucky your friends helped you."

My friends... last I saw them was on the cliff as I was falling to my death.

"What happened? Why are there so many people here? The last thing I remember is those 'stars' hitting the city. I didn't think it would do that much damage."

"What you didn't know?"

She grabs the remote for the TV and turns it on. The news pops up; live. Reports were coming in around the globe of calling it the 'Star Incident'. What was supposed to be an extraordinary phenomenon; now went sideways. Those stars started falling out of the sky, leaving nothing in their path. But their destruction doesn't end there.

They crash land and leave craters the size of geysers. And just when people rush over to see what fell out of the sky, they suddenly open by themselves; releasing God knows what.

It wasn't like the electric storm that I saw, but it was somewhat similar. After it got out, it sucked itself into a point... then later releasing energy. Some release fire, others shatter the ground... it goes on the weirdness of this destruction.

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