Chapter 6 ~The shocking, but Not Surprising News~

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~ Preview of chapter 5~


Ok, this is getting awkward already.

" Not to intranet but, I need to know your names and then leave"

" Ok I am Naruko," said the blond girl.

"I am Itachi," said the older twin looking black-haired boy.

" I am Sasuke," Said the younger twin looking, black-haired boy.

" Ok...what about your last names?" Asked Max.

" We got disowned for our younger siblings, by making them the clan heir," said Naruko.

Wait, Disowned, could they be the children that I am looking for?

" Wait, What was your last names before it was taken from you?" Asked Max

"Sasuke and Itachi are Two ex-Uchiha's, and me an ex-Uzumaki- Namikaze."

~End of the preview of chapter 5~

Still Max POV

" Finally I found you guys!! I have been looking for you guys"

"Ok...but why were you looking for as...wait did are so-called 'parents' sent you guys to get us back home, for maybe arranged marriages and all?" Asked Naruko. As the other boys started growling at me.

" Look hear kids, I take no orders from filthy humans like them, you hear me, so don't worry about me sending you guys there." As I said, The three of them stopped growling at me and smiled. " If you kids don't mind telling me why you guys are disowned?"

All three of them stopped smiling and looked unhappy about the question.

Itachi POV

" well it all started after are younger siblings were born and this prophecy. Everyone believed that the prophecy was about are younger siblings, since they have the nine-tailed fox sealed inside them. At first, we understand that they need attention all the time since they are still a baby and all, as time went on they forget to buy us clothes, or even feed us food. To survive we had to start taking D&C-rank missions to get money and survive. The last straw was when they gave are birthrights to are young-spoiled siblings. So we decided to run away from home and get stronger, find people that will care about us, and is our new family." Sasuke told Max. As Sasuke was sharing are story, I can see how Maxs' face change from calm to anger.

"How dare they!!! They got it all wrong, it is you guys that are the child of prophecy!!!" Max said, shocking us all.

"WHAT!!??!?!?!?" we (Naruko, Sasuke, and me) all shouted.

"Kids I was sent to this earth to find you three, and take you to my realm and take you guys to our King and Queen. By the way, the Queen is the strongest so don't piss her off." Said Max as he was opening a magic portal.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TO be continued...

Sorry for the grammar, late short chapter and late upgrade.

Sorry for the grammar, late short chapter and late upgrade.

Sorry for the grammar, late short chapter and late upgrade.

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