Chapter 9 ~Finally Joining Fairy Tail~

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~ Preview of chapter 8~

Sasuke POV

" something wrong?" she said.

" and Itachi want to ask you if you would like to be your girlfriend," Sasuke asked. She looks speechless.


"Well," I asked

"Yes, I would like to go out with you guess." as she said that we sighed in relief.

~End of the preview of chapter ~

~1 year has passed they are 7~

Naruko POV

It has been 1 year since me, Sasuke and Itachi started dating. Mom and dad (They started calling Mavis and Zeref mom and dad ) are sending us back to earth so that we can join their guild. Their guild is called Fairy Tail. I think the name is cute, but Sasuke and Itachi thought that it was a joke cause it sounds girly or something. When we heard that mom was the one that picked the name, Sasuke and Itachi stopped making fun of the name. We love mom, but when she is angry...she is scary. Both Itachi and Sasuke say that I act like her when I am angry, except my hair flies around like nine tails waving around the air.

" Naru!! What is taking you so long? We need to leave now!" Shouted Sasuke.

" Coming!.. Give me 5 more min!" I shouted back. What. I need to change and do my hair.

This is what she was wearing ( By the way, Naruko's Eyes changed into very red blood looking eyes, After her training

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This is what she was wearing ( By the way, Naruko's Eyes changed into very red blood looking eyes, After her training.)


"COMING!!..." I said as I ran to the portal room with them.

~Back to the leaf village~

Minato POV

The past 5 years have been the best time of my life. The Twins and Allen are going to turn 6 in just about 2 weeks. I feel like I have been missing something. Well since, Me, Kushina, Mikoto, and Fugaku dissident we will start training Naruko, Itachi, and Sasuke today after lunch today. We will teach them how to climb a tree without hand and then we will focus more on the children of prophecy. Fugaku is my right-hand man thanks to that and Allen being one of the children of prophecy the Uchiha stopped being a problem. And are also respected in the village.

~Meanwhile to Kushina and Mikato~

Kushina POV

" Hey Mikoto, now that we will start teaching our firstborns. What do you think we should teach them first? I mean they are not perfect like our precious child of Prophecy Mikoto?" I asked her as we were making lunch.

" We can start with the basics like water and tree climbing."

" But it took Months to teach the other, I don't want our precious child of Prophecy to feel neglected."

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