Chapter 12 ~ Meeting our siblings~

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~ Preview of chapter 10~



~End of the preview of chapter ~

Itachi POV

We just arrived at the hellhole. I wonder if they still know that we are not in the village? I won't be surprised if they found out that we were not with them at our age 7. Right now gramps and Gildart are filling some papers so we can pass in.

Naruko POV

We have finally arrived. I can wait to see Menma. If he still has not changed then we can see him in the ramen restaurant.

¨ Hey Itachi, Sasuke can we please drop by the ramen restaurant and see if Menma is there?¨

¨ Sure, We can go right now.¨ Replied Itachi.

While we were walking there we saw some kids being pulled by the area.

¨ Let me go!!" Shouted the short kid that was being held by the arm.

¨ Let go of Konohamaru, do you know who I am! I am one of the children of prophecy, so I order you to let go of Konohamaru!¨ Said a redhead, but thanks to what she said, we know that she is MITO, while the guy next to her with the dark head is Allen and a pink-headed girl is still unknown... Sasuke vanished to the tree above the redhead jinchuuriki (Garra). While me and Itachi walked toward them.

¨ I do you guys think it is wise to try and pick a fight with people that are not from your villagers?" I told them. While the guy that was holding Konohamaru and Allen both blushed when they looked at me. While Mito, pinkey, and the blond girl next to the guy holding Konohamaru blushed when they looked at Itachi.

¨ Hey Cutie, who might you be?"Asked Allen.

¨It is none of your business¨ I replied.

¨ Do you know who I am? I am one of the children of prophecy" He said.

¨ I don't care if you are the children of prophecy" I said to Allen and now looked at Itachi again and Said, " Hey babe, do you want to go to the ramen restaurant before it closes? HEY SASUKE GET DOWN HERE BEFORE I DO SOMETHING YOU WILL REGRET. ALONG WITH YOU REDHEAD."

" BABE!!! Why would you date him when you can get me!" Said Allen.

" Can. We. Please. GO" I said to Itachi

"Kankuro, you are a disgrace to our village." Said the redhead.

"Garra, this kid sta-" Said Kankuro

" Shut Up or else I will kill you!" Said Garra " Hey you what's your name?"

" Who Me?" asked pinkey

" NO, the older looking guys"

" I am Naruko Dragneel."

" I am Sasuke Dragneel."

"I am Itachi Dragneel."

" Do you want to know my name too?" Asked Mito and Allen

" I don't care."

~Naruko, Itachi, and Sasuke all walked to the ramen shop~

" Finally we have arrived? Do you think Menma still likes Ramen?" I asked

"Wait, that's Little M?"Asked Sasuke

" Hey excuse me, but how do you know my nickname, only 3 people can call me that who are you?" Said Menma

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