Chapter 4 - UA

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Midoriya sighed as he sank into his chair. He cracked his knuckles, before he grabbed his laptop and switched on his desktop, switching to its dual screen function. He plugged the thumbdrive into his laptop, and open it up.

There were a variety of links, images, articles, and video files, and Midoriya sighed again, rubbing his eyes, before trudging to the fridge and grabbing himself an energy drink.

Dabi was already sleeping in his room, and Eri and Kota were watching televion in the living room, giving Midoriya some peace and quiet to help Hawks with some stuff.

This time, but now, he was trying to deal with a gang that seems to have many hideouts and several high ranking members, allowing them to evade most other heroes quickly and efficiently. They weren't exactly strong, but they were smart, and they were never really able to get much information out of the grunts that they did manage to capture.

Hawks hadn't dealt with the gang before, and his presence would surely throw them off, but Hawks wanted to surprise them and catch them all in one fell swoop. That meant that he needed to know where all the high ranking members would be at any point in time, and that was Midoriya's job. Hawks was smart, yes, but even his analysis skills were nowhere near Midoriya's.

Midoriya absentmidedly scrolled through the folders that Hawks had given him, mentally noting down anything that seemed important. He didn't really need his notebooks for this; it wasn't like it was going to be a problem much longer.

Midoriya smacked his head and groaned. There clearly was a pattern between which hideout they used, depending on the time of the day and which day it was. As useful as the heroes were in their work and keeping the streets safe, they were surprisingly dumb at times. Midoriya could understand why Hawks didn't notice it; the feathered blonde didn't have the patience for it, but weren't Ryukyu or Kamui Woods also working on this case? How did they not notice it?!

Midoriya quickly typed up a brief analysis, before running it though his personal encryptor, and sent it to Hawks. Midoriya had programmed that encryptor personally, and he had already given Hawks a copy of the program so that he could easily encrypt and decrypt information.

He whipped out his phone to send Hawks a quick text.


He quirked his eyebrow as Hawks started texting back. Wasn't the winged hero usually out at this time?

"Damn, kid. You're hella fast!"

Midoriya just rolled his eyes, before replying.

"No, you're just stupid. Anyways, I'm going to go sleep now. Good night."

Hawks sent him a thumbs up emoji, and Midoriya switched off his computer, and set his alarm, before peeked out of the room.

The television was still on, but Eri and Kota had fallen asleeon on the sofa. Midoriya gave a small smile as he drapped a blanket over the two children, before moving to the front door to ensure that it was locked. He walked back to his room and flopped onto his bed.

The UA results would come out in a month. He was certain that Bakugou could get into the hero course; the explosive blonde was strong, and his grades were pretty good as well. He wondered if those three students, Kirishima, Ashido, and Kaminari, would get in. They seemed like pretty decent people, and they had pretty decent quirks. Kirishima's Hardening, while not flashy, was pretty solid, and would let him bash through the robots pretty easily. Ashido's Acid quirk was also perfect for destroying the robots, and Kaminari's Electrification could be hella powerful as long as the blonde didn't short circuit himself.

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