Chapter 3 - Bird Brain

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A/N Shameless slef plug, check out my Youtube Channel, under the name Kira Tiyuji. The latest remix I uploaded is up there^


"Sup! Izuku! Who's that?" Kayama asked, popping her head inside the cafe. Midoriya shot her a huge grin as Dabi packed several boxes of cookies and pastries neatly in a paper bag despite Midoriya's protests.

"His name's Dabi."

Kayama frownd, "I haven't seen you around here before. Where did you come from? Where did you get all those scars from?"

"Uh... fire." Dabi replied, as Midoriya took the paper bag and handed it to Kayama, "I passed out in an alleyway and Midoriya-san found me."

"Stop calling me by my last name. I've been telling you that all morning!" Midoriya whined, as Kayama laughed. She didn't know Dabi at all, but Midoriya was always a perceptive one, being able to tell who was good and who wasn't at a slight glance. If Midoriya deemed him okay and had decided to pick up another stray to be apart of his family, who was she to judge?

After all, that was what he had done with Eri and Kota, and they were all pretty happy.

"Uh... is there anything else for me to do?" Dabi asked hesitantly, looking around.

"I told you that you don't have to help out." Midoriya grumbled, picking up another bag with coffee and tea and handing it to Kayama, "Isn't someone going to help you out, Nemi?"

"Nah. I'm good." Kayama laughed, "This isn't really heavy. I'll see ya later, Zuku."

Dabi watched as Kayama left the cafe, before turning to Midoriya, "Friend of yours?"

"Yeah. She and a bunch of others work near here, and they come here pretty often. They might come in the afternoon." Midoriya replied, "You're pretty insistent with helping out... Let me think about it. I'm sure I can come up with something..."

"I can clean the tables? This is a cafe, right? So people are going to come and go." Dabi offered.

"If you want to." Midoriya scratched the back of his head, before shrugging, "People usually stay for quite some time, so it isn't like you're going to have to rush around like you're in a food court. I guess that'll work out."

Midoriya perked up, before facepalming, "I forgot, UA entrance exams. The morning's going to be calm, but after the exams finish... it's going to be hectic."

He whirled around, facing Dabi, "Alright, it's going to be busy, but not unmanagable. I'm going to start simple, and drill you with how to package the cookies properly. It isn't that hard, but it should help lighten the load by a lot since a lot of the applicants prefer to do takaways. You up for it?"

Dabi grinned, cracking his knuckles and nodding, "Sounds fun."


Midoriya was right when he said that packaging cookies was easy. It was, however, tedious. The process of shoving half a dozen cookies into a small paper bag was easy and simple, but only if they were of the same flavour.

And he not only had to do it correctly, but also fast.

Dabi had forgotten how many times he had accidentally shoved one too many of a certain type of biscuit into a bag, or had forgotten which cookie was which, adding a couple minutes to the process of packaging.

But Midoriya didn't really seem mind. He did laugh a lot whenever Dabi screwed up, or took a whole ten minutes to put twelve biscuits in a bag because he had forgotten where the vanilla cookies were, and by the time he found them, he had forgotten which ones he had already shoved into the bag, forcing him to dump everything out to check.

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