Chapter 15 - Mr Licky Licky Stabby Stabby

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A/N Yes, the title name is serious.


Eri and Kota waiting patiently for their noodles, as Midoriya paid for two sodas and walked back to the table. He handed a bottle to Dabi, before taking a sip out of his drink.

Shinsou just looked around the shop. It had taken them a few train rides to get all the way to Hosu, but it seemed worth it. Midoriya was familiar with the shop owner, and the two kids really seemed to like the noodles at this particular shop.

It didn't take too long for the food to arrive, and they were all eating peacefully when suddenly, a shrill shriek rang out and the ground started shaking.

"Aw, come on!" Midoriya complained, looking out the window, "This is why I cook all the time! The one time I want to go out and relax, and there's a villain attack! "

"Shouldn't we get out of here?" Shinsou asked, as some of the patrons started hiding under the table to take cover, as the ground shook once more.

"No." Midoriya shook his head, "We don't know what's going on outside, or if it's dangerous. You guys stay here. I'll go check it out and call you if it's safe."

"Don't be ridiculous, Izuku." Dabi growled, as the ground shook again, "You can't go out alone."

"I'll be fine." Midoriya grumbled, "Mother hen."

"I'm not a mother hen!" Dabi huffed, "You literally got kidnapped like... a month ago. Sure, you weren't injured, but that doesn't mean this would turn out the same way!"

"Dabi, chill." Midoriya rolled his eyes, taking out his phone, "Look, there's a bunch of heroes here. It's probably some random villain attack or something. I'll just check it out, and you two stay here and take care of Eri and Kota."

"No." Dabi growled, unamused, as Midoriya whined, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me! I'm not a baby!"

"If you're going out, then I'm going with you." Shinsou spoke up, "Someone's got to watch your back."

"Fine! But you have to stick with me, okay?" Midoriya sighed, and only then, did Dabi deem it okay for Midoriya to leave the restaurant.

Midoriya and Shinsou crawled out from under the table, and made a break for the door. The greenette yanked the door open, but there didn't seem to be much going on.

"Come on. I think there's some fighting over there." Midoriya pointed down the street, as Shinsou nodded, following behind the greenette.


"So noisy... The idiots have come out, huh? I'll dispose of them later." Akaguro shoved Native against the wall, growling as he raised his katana, "I will do what I should be doing."

"You bastard... Die..." Native hissed, as Akaguro snarled, "If you call yourself a hero, you should choose your last words more carefully."

Suddenly, Akaguro caught sight of an armoured foot and used his katana to pary it away.

"I already let you go once, Ingenium." Akaguro growled, still holding Native against the wall as he aimed katana at Tensei, "Leave, now, before I change my mind."

Tensei just replied, "I didn't expect to see you here, but I cannot let you get away, especially when you're threatening another hero."

Iida just stood behind Tensei, not really sure what to do. Sure, the villian who had hurt his brother was right here, but it wasn't like Tensei had been paralysed for life by the villain; all Akaguro had done was to immobilise him to buy himself time to escape.

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