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Word Count ; 1305

A/n : hello there ! hope you enjoy reading. this chapter isn't really much other then some cute moments and I realized I already went over a thousand words so I thought I should probably stop at a random place of the chapter.

anyways I'll stop talking now .❤️

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"Chet! I swear if you push m-" Xavier's words get cut off by the feeling of Chet's arms wrap around him, lifting him up from the ground and in front of the edge of the dock.

"No! Dude stop!" Xavier shouts, struggling and gripping to his shoulders, making Chet give a light chuckle.

"Dude, I'm just messing with you." Chet said, giving a serene smile.

"Really?" Xavier felt a little relieved.

"No." He threw him off the edge into the water, causing the icy liquid to stain his clothes.

"May you two not act so immature." Margret scolded as Chet bursted into laughter. Xavier popped his head out of the water, his hair dangling in front of his face like wet noodles.

"Asshole!" Xavier exclaimed, trying to pull himself out, his clothes drenched and heavy.

"Come on. It can't be that bad." Chet leaned down to his level with a goofy smile.

"Oh really?" Xavier shot a sneaky grin before grabbing a handful of Chet's shirt and yanking him into the lake.

"Oh shi-!" He falls in, splashing hard into the water, feeling the coldness hit his skin and instantly regretting his decision.

He opens his eyes to a sight of the dark blue water surrounding him. He begins moving his legs and arms, swimming back up to meet face to face with Xavier. As he does he can hear Xavier's echoing laughter from deep below.
Feeling the little amount of air he saved not be enough for him he quickens his pace and eventually reaches to the surface. He gasps, being greeted with a wide smile spilling out giggles.

"Ha ha very funny." Chet gave an evil eye, sweeping his hair back and out of his face.

"Karma is a bitch, sweetie." Xavier grew a cheeky smirk to his face before splashing him directly in the eyes. Chet jumped back at the sudden contact of the water and splashed back in revenge.

"IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!" Xavier gagged and spat out the water from his mouth, receiving a concern look from Chet.

"Woah. S-Sorry." He patted Xavier on the back, slightly rubbing it.

Brooke laughed from the sight of the two boys.

"I'm sorry about them. I swear they're pretty chill for the most part." Montana said, shaking her head with her arms crossed.

"No it's fine. It's kind of funny." Brooke smiled, putting her mind at ease and feeling the breeze blow her hair out of her face.

She then sees from the corner of her eye Margret yelling at both Xavier and Chet, demanding them to stop playing around. They both get out of the water, shivering like crazy.
Brooke continued to giggle to herself and Chet catches her smile.

"What's so funny?" Chet asked with a grumpy look on his face.

"Oh nothing." She shook her head making him raise an eyebrow at her.

"Oh really. Am I gonna have to squeeze the truth out of you?" Chet opened up his arms slowly walking towards her.

"Chet please don't-" before she can continue her sentence she feels his cold arms wrap around her, lifting her off the ground into a tight hug.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO COLD!" She yelled as she felt a wave of shock hit her skin.

Chet continued to hold her tightly, smiling and chuckling, hoping that it would take his mind off of someone else.
Chet buried his face into her neck which tickled and caused her to giggle more.
Xavier felt his stomach turn. He didn't know where this feeling was coming from. He began looking quite angry but wasn't meaning to.
Ray looked at him, scratching the back of his neck in confusion.

"Something wrong?" Ray asked interrupting Xavier's thoughts.

"Oh uh no just.. tired of being single I guess." Xavier nervously laughed. It wasn't a complete lie but wasn't the complete truth either.

Ray turned his head, looking towards the glowing Brooke with her smile burning brighter then the sun. He felt jealousy grow in him and looked down at his feet trying to avoid the feeling.

"Yeah.. me too."

Xavier started to shake as he felt the wind come down harder.

"Did you bring a different pair of clothes?" Brooke questioned to Xavier, hugging herself tightly for warmth.

"Of course. Did you think I was gonna stay in this the whole summer?" Xavier smirked trying to hold in his laugh.

"N-No I'm mean just.. nothing." Brooke blushed a light pink from embarrassment, feeling kind of dumb for asking such a question.


They eventually made there way to the cabin and Xavier grabbed a blanket from one of the beds and wrapped it around himself so he wouldn't die from hyperthermia.
He thought of an idea before facing towards Chet.

"Would you like to share. You're looking quite cold there." Xavier accidentally rhymes as he opened his arms with his lips curved into a grin.

Chet badly wanted to say yes so he can have that advantage to be that close to his crush. But he knew Xavier was probably joking and if he did agree to do it he would get made fun of probably to death.

"No thanks." Chet denied the offer, trying to hide his face so Xavier didn't see how flustered he made him.

"Suit yourself." Xavier cuddled into the blanket with a smile that made Chet feel warm just looking at it.

Xavier flirtatiously placed his head against Chet's shoulder. His eyes were completely closed as he took in the heat from the blanket and body warmth.
Chet didn't want to push him off because of how comfortable he looked but knew if he let him stay where he was it would be suspicious. Not much for Xavier since he's flirty with everyone but for himself he knew it would be weird.
Chet was stuck in a mind set of deciding on what to do before being interrupted by loud mouth Margret.

"Nah ah-ah. We will not be having that." Margret announced before holding out a ruler and pushing Xavier off Chet.

"You must stay at least this length away from each other. We don't want to get touchy and feely now." Margret put the ruler between them. Chet didn't hear much of what she said because of the anger he felt from seeing her push Xavier like nothing.

This bitch did not just put a fucking ruler between us. Chet thought , bubbling with anger in the pit of his stomach but not showing any emotion to his face.

"Woah hold on, Marg. Don't you think that's a bit much?" Xavier asks in a joke sounding voice but honestly was shocked.

"No and I am very serious. Now keep your hands to yourselves." She glared at him before rudely walking pass him.

As soon as she was out of sight Chet went up to Xavier and looked at his arm.

"Are you okay? How hard did she push you?" Chet worryingly asked.

"Dude I'm fine. She didn't push that hard." Xavier lightly laughed at his dumb but yet cute reaction to him being even in the slightest of pain.

"Thanks for being concerned." Xavier smiled sweetly causing butterflies to fly around in Chet's stomach.

"No problem." Chet felt heat burn to his face as he stared directly into his crush's wide and blue eyes that stared back up at him with he could only tell to be joy .

From that Chet definitely knew this was going to be one hell of a summer.

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lonely together ; ahs 1984 [ on hold ]Where stories live. Discover now