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Word count : 647

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"They haven't been back in awhile. Should I go check up on them?"  Chet suggested.

"No, for all we know they're probably just having some fun on their own." Xavier grinned, having the small dimples sink in on the sides of his face.

"Yeah I guess. But Brooke doesn't really seem like that type of girl." Chet was starting to get a bit concerned and sat up from his place next to the bed Xavier was laying on.

"You're freaking yourself out, man. What do you think the big ol' scary Mr. Jingles got to them?" Xavier jokingly taunted. Rita rolled her eyes as she wrapped her lips around a lit cigarette.

A loud noise coming from the door opening makes everyone jump.

"He's here! He's going to kill us!" Brooke shouted, slamming and locking the large door behind her.

"What are you talking about?" Chet went up to her and placed his hands to her shoulders. She was covered in mud and he pulled away.

"Mr.Jingles! He's real! " Brooke hyperventilated. This got Rita's attention and they all followed her to the nurses office where she preached she was attacked.


A couple minutes go by of searching the empty cabin and no one seems convinced.

"Girl, you're trippin'." Rita commented.

" How much did you drink tonight, Brooke?" Chet kindly asked. Brooke glared at him.

"None! I'm completely sober-" Brooke almost argued but was cut off by the sound of a distant jingling of keys. She looked at the door in front of her and saw a large shadow standing outside of it.

"It's him!" Brooke loudly whispered.

Chet, without hesitation, grabbed  Xavier by the wrist and pulled him closer to him. Rita looked around for a tool to be used for a weapon .
The knob to the door was turning at a slow pace and all Brooke could do was stay frozen. Chet lifted up his hands that were curled up into fists. 
Everyone stayed in the same place waiting for whatever to come until the door opens. Everyone does their high pitched screaming like a bunch of scared school girls.

"What is going on here." A different voice was heard. It wasn't Mr. Jingles but worse; mouthy Margret .

Chet felt a little bit at ease and rested his tense muscles.

"Look at you being all tough and strong." Xavier pointed out as he wiggled his brows a bit at Chet. Chet grew a small blush to his cheeks and crossed his arms.

"You know you shouldn't be out here so late. And you. " Margret pointed at Brooke.

"Cleanliness is next to godliness. Go wash up." Margret ordered her.

"Speaking of, we should too." Xavier whispered to Chet before grabbing his hand and quickly leading him out from the back to the boy showers.


"Okay.. s-seriously you need to stop doing this." Chet tried not to stutter while focusing on the hand holding him and Xavier were sharing.

"Doing what?"

"Th-This.. randomly snatching me up and taking me places." Chet said kind of annoyed.

"I'm not.. I just.. wanna hang out with you sometimes okay?" Xavier's voice trailed off a bit at the end as a hint of red came to his face.

"Oh.." was all Chet said and didn't say anything else after.

They finally arrived at the boy showers and Xavier removed his hand from Chets. Chet felt a little disappointed at the lost of warmth.

"Look.. I'll go look for Ray. You stay and get yourself cleaned up okay?" Xavier said, giving a fake smile and walking away.

"Wait I- .." Chet tried to stop him but no words could come out.

Ugh, you're such an idiot. Chet thought as he mentally facepalms himself.
He walked in the boy showers to find Ray and Trevor showering. Chet ran back out to tell Xavier but he was already too far gone.

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lonely together ; ahs 1984 [ on hold ]Where stories live. Discover now