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Word count ; 1559

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The day began to fall into the night and they all decided to sit around at a warm campfire.
They passed around a joint while at the same time drinking some cold ones.
Chet took a big puff from the joint and held it in before letting the smoke out from his lungs. He passed the small thing to Xavier who had been sitting very close to him but tried not to over think it even though it was really hard not to.
Chet looked down at the fire that lit and sparked in front of him.

"Something up? To be honest you look pretty depressed." Xavier said bluntly with a very droopy look to his face. Chet swallowed hard trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"No, I'm fine." Chet lied, continuing to look down at the ground. It was hard to really tell about Chet since he hardly showed any emotion or expression to his face. But Xavier could sense something was wrong.

"I don't believe you." Xavier lowly mumbled to him, slyly moving his hand to Chet's thigh.

Chet's heart was on the break of jumping out of his chest and exploding everywhere.
He has never felt his heart beat so fast by just sitting. Before he could speak the camps nurse, Rita, makes her way into the situation, causing Xavier to pull himself and his grip away from Chet.
Chet took a deep breathe, inhaling the icy cold air and was able to calm his heart down.
Chet soon looks next to him to see Montana having the widest smirk on her face. She noticed how out of breathe Xavier made him and she wanted to be encouraging.
She continued to smirk while holding up her hand that formed a thumbs up as she mouthed
' get some ' to him.
He rolled his eyes at her, trying to ignore the blush that spread across his face.
Rita started to go on about the history of the camp and why people who know about it never show up. She talked about the massacre that happened fourteen years ago and the 10 victims who's lives that were taken.
It did send chills to Chets spine to think such a horrible thing happened somewhere they're so close to but he quickly got frustrated when mouthy Margret rudely interrupted Rita to correct her.
Margret started nagging about the alcohol and Chet completely zoned out of the conversation.
Chet moved his eyes to get a glance at Xavier who began looking quite upset himself.

"Something up? To be honest you look pretty depressed." Chet quoted him with a half smile and his eyebrows raised.

"Shut up." Xavier lowly mumbled.

A couple minutes goes by of Margret telling her story and the scary experience she went through years ago with the monster they call "Mr.Jingles." Before she could finish Chet feels a sudden squeeze to his hand and shifts his head towards where the feeling was coming from.
He slightly turned his head, seeing Xavier leaning towards the deep dark forest , signaling to follow him.
Chet nodded but felt a wave of worry flood him. Xavier still held his hand , sitting up from the log and guided their way.
Chet looked back at the group to see Montana with a wide smile plastered on her face.
' have fun ' she mouthed again while waving then giving a wink.
Chet gulped, feeling a nervous aching pain in his stomach as Xavier lead them farther.
They continued to walk until Xavier stopped in the middle of a slight open space where the moon illuminated it perfectly.

"Why did you bring me here?" Chet asked feeling his palms get sweaty.

Xavier stayed quiet, ignoring his question entirely while climbing up a high tree and sitting on a branch. Chet stood there in confusion.

"Okay, you're starting to freak me out right about now. How high are you?" Chet followed him up the tree and sat next to him on a thick enough branch to hold them both.

"Over the moon, baby." Xavier replied with a dopey smile.

There was a long pause of silence. They both sat there looking at the great view they had of the moon and stars.
Chet felt that same squeeze to his hand again and it still made his heart almost stop instantly.
Xavier rubbed his thumb against Chets knuckles.

lonely together ; ahs 1984 [ on hold ]Where stories live. Discover now