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Word Count ; 714

A/n : yeah dis ones pretty short and terrible. so sorry I haven't updated but I've been having like HUGE writer's block and I seem to never be able to put anything down.

But hope you guys enjoy reading! 💕

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"can someone get off their lazy ass and help me?" Ray groaned in frustration as he tried getting the tv to work to watch some sports .

"Nah looks like you got it under control ." Xavier joked. Ray rolled his eyes back and continued working until it worked.

"Yes! " Ray exclaimed excitedly. He sat back on the couch, relaxing into the cushion.

From the corner of Xavier's eye he can see a drowsy and hunched over Chet with a beer in hand .

"Dude." Xavier kinda whispered, pressing his hand to Chet's shoulder to nudge him awake .

"hmm?" Chet hummed , opening his eyes and straightening his back.

"You were starting to fall asleep and to be honest I don't really want to be left alone with all these crackheads . " Xavier said with his lips lifted up into a smirk.

"Their not that bad." Chet says as Montana had her head back, chugging a beer in one go while sitting on Trevor's lap.

"Okay , never mind I see what you mean." Chet sighs with a hint of laughter in the mix.

He then turned his head and got a look at a knocked out Xavier; his lips slightly parted with low snores escaping.

"How in the hell did he do that so fast? " Chet smiled to himself, enjoying the sight of the sleepy blondie.

"Damn, he's a sleep already. " Ray remarked .

"Xavier has his way of doing that." Montana finally stopped taking out every sip of the alcohol.

"Speaking of Xavier.." Ray paused for a moment to turn to nurse Rita who sat next to him.

"How is that kid from earlier ?" He continued. Chet saw what Ray was doing and wasn't gonna let him do it.

"Ray don't." Chet glared at him, crushing his beer can in his bare hands. Ray ignored.

"He's doing just fine. Last I checked he was unconscious but still breathing. Why?" Rita answered the question.

"Just wondering. It was a pretty big HIT he took." Ray shrugged. Chet couldn't tell if it was all the substance Ray took that's making him this way, but he knew he wasn't gonna let him rat Xavier out.

"Seriously, Ray stop. " Chet stood up from his seat at the edge of the bunker causing Ray to sit up from his seat.

"Okay, fuck this , I'm leaving bye everyone!" Montana announced, holding Trevor's hand as she led him outside.

" Why are you protecting him cuz he's you're boyfriend?" Ray spat only making the anger in Chet erupt .

"Fuck you!" Chet threw the scrunched up can to Ray as he lifted up his arms in for protection.

The sharp part of it left a sting of pain to Ray's palm, blood leaking out almost immediately.

"Hey!" Everyone else said in unison.

"What the hell, man!" Ray sobered up quick as the shock waves from his hand went through him.

" I didn't.. I'm so sorry I.." Chet stammered trying to get a sentence out. Ray just looked at him with an evil eye and went to nurse Rita for assistance.

" Sorry. I'm on break. But there's some supplies in the shed. Help yourself. " Rita shooed him away to relax.

"I'll take him." Brooke volunteers and took him out to fix him. Ray rudely passes Chet, hitting against his shoulder.

Chet sighed, disappointed in himself for doing something so stupid. He leaned down to Xavier and took off his own jacket and placed it onto Xavier's shaking body.

"Don't worry, bud. I wasn't gonna let that asshole do that to you." Chet murmured calmly.

"Thanks man." Xavier replied, smiling ear to ear. Chet jumped back and almost stumbled over his own feet.

"I thought you were asleep!" Chet's eyes went wide. Xavier laughed at his reaction.

"Nah, I was pretending to be. Pretty good, huh?" Xavier said all cocky.

"Whatever." Chet crossed his arms annoyed but kind of impressed.

"But really, thanks for sticking up for me I guess. You didn't have to do that." Xavier gave a serene smile making Chet get butterflies.

"No problem."

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lonely together ; ahs 1984 [ on hold ]Where stories live. Discover now