So, another chapter is here. I've got to thank Daphne for constantly urging me to update. Without you, I think I would've stopped a while ago.
I've been told to include my friend Mia Vernegansterneganpoo (pronounced VERN-e-gan-STERN-e-gan-poo) in this story because she doesn't get enough of the spotlight. How terrible it must be for her to be left out of the masterpiece that is this story.
So now I have to think up something amusing about Mia. It shouldn't be too hard but it's too late at night to think straight.
Who decided that it would be a good idea for school to start early in the morning? I mean really, wouldn't it be better to start it at midday so we can at least take some advantage of the sunlight. Also, we wouldn't be sleep-deprived because we wouldn't have to wake up at the most unreasonable hours to get to a place we don't want to be. I know someone who wakes up at 5:00 am just to catch the bus to school.
To another friend Jeremy; WHY ARE YOU READING THIS!?!? Yes, that is the Jeremy I wrote about a couple of chapters ago. Thank you oh so much whoever told him about it, it doesn't make this awkward at all.
Frank is still talking to me every night. It's never really about anything interesting but it still goes on. Then he tells me it's my 'bedtime' and that I have to go to sleep. Excuse me? Since when do you have the right to tell me when I need to got to sleep? It wasn't even that late, so he obviously just didn't want to talk any longer. It would have been a lot less rude if he had have just said that he couldn't talk anymore.
Lol, I had lettuce again tonight. Though, it wasn't in front of me; I think mum learned that was not a good idea if she wanted to have any. Go on, caress 'lettuce' again. You know you want to ;)
Have you ever thought about how Rock, Paper, Scissors works? I was thinking about it today...
So Scissors cut Paper. Innocent enough.
And Rock breaks Scissors. Yeah, seems legit.
And Paper does what exactly to Rock? Suffocates it? Smothers it to death? I mean if, for example, I threw a rock at you, would you hold up a piece of paper as your ultimate defender? Yeah, that would really help you out. I would never throw a rock at you again. So basically, Rock can break the mighty Scissors but as soon as Paper comes along it runs for the hills?
My butt hurts. I somehow managed to bruise it. And I haven't even ridden any bikes lately...
Oh well. Comment if you like, I love hearing from readers. Until next time,
Katie Onion xx
Musings of an Average Teen
RandomA little look into my head. Will probably contain complete randomness, with sprinkles of ranting on top. A side of complete nonsense will be supplied.